2 | 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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[ e d i t e d ]

present day: april 2, 2012

'' we remember all the dreadful things
but not the lovely ones .''

you walked to karasuno high school with your normal expressionless face, people step aside when you pass the hallway. people were scared of you probably because of your intense death glare whenever you'd hear false rumors about you. you never liked rumors because they destroy people's image.

everyday when you'd walk down the hallway, whispers about you would fill the hallway, you were tired of it, you wanted to shoot them glares but you'd rather not or things will just worsen.

one time you got into a fight and you were called to the principal's office. of course your parents were also called and they were disappointed in you, still however your adoptive father was proud that you know how to fight back but since then you learned how to not fight back despite wanting to. whenever you'd get into a fight you made sure to give one of your savage remarks that will make them stop and think or continue.

today was a normal day, you were alone like every other day, sitting on a chair by the window, gazing at the skies and admiring it's beauty, it was your favorite thing to do.

the sun is shining bright today unlike yesterday when it rained heavily, the sky was blue, the clouds were scattered and as white as snow. birds flew freely and leaves were being blown away by the strong wind.

'good morning class!' your teacher said as he entered the room, your eyes looked at your teacher, he placed down his belongings on the table.

'for today we're going to have a partner activity. this time i'll be choosing who's going to be your partner because the last time i let you choose, things got a little out of hand and unfair.' he said with a smile, students started complaining but the teacher didn't mind and just started partnering up students.

'matsuhita-san you're with sugawara-san.' the teacher said, your eyes widened slightly, you're surprised that your partner is a kind person, who doesn't seem to hate you nor care about you.

he went over to where you were seated, he sat on the desk in front of your's. he gave you a warm smile, you felt your cheeks heat up a little. that has to be one of the most beautiful smiles i've ever seen.

'it's nice to be partnered up with you.' he said.

'wow, you must be the first one who wants to be partnered up with me.' you said, slightly amused.

'why wouldn't i? you're pretty smart and i bet you're a really kind person too.' he said, you nodded but didn't manage to smile, that was one of the kindest words someone has ever given you yet you couldn't bring yourself to give back a simple smile.

'alright, now let's get on to the topic.' you said glancing at him before b opening your textbook.

- - -
after the first period ended, you were left alone anew. you hate partner activities but you loved this one, you weren't irritated by this one, you in fact enjoyed this one, it's probably because of the person that you were luckily partnered up with.

he's kind, friendly and gentle not like the others you've been partnered up with before, who showed that visible annoyance and dislike they have for you. some of them would throw you glares of disgust, you just rolled your eyes and remark 'you should be grateful that i'm helping you despite of you not cooperating and letting your hate for me control you.'

you sighed quietly as your eyes searched for suga, you found him sitting on his desk talking with your other classmates, they were having fun, they were happy.

YOUR SMILE  | sugawara koushi Where stories live. Discover now