𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 14: 𝕳𝖞𝖆𝖈𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖍

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Near had been playing with his dolls. The Ravenclaws were more or less used to eccentric people, so they weren't overly concerned about his behaviour, which the other houses might have considered childish. However, that didn't stop many from wondering why he did so. Perhaps it was a nervous tic or a coping mechanism for something.

His general aloofness mostly shunned people away from him. He, didn't reject anyone's advances of friendship, they just didn't make any. He was an oddity and that's all he was. Some of the other houses had mocked him for being girly and childish, but he hadn't paid any attention to them. It seemed as if he was trapped in his own little world, away and above from everyone else.

He looked rather lonely, hunched over a book, two dolls moving in his hand, as if making conversation with each other as he studied. He had no real interest in academics, but he studied, just because he was bored and had nothing else to do.

Mello and Matt's Petrification essentially made the people who would talk to him zero, but he wasn't too bothered. The numb he felt didn't allow any emotions such as horror and sadness to permeate through, and he, in the moments he actually paused to contemplate, wondered what lay beyond that.

Sighing as he finished the homework assigned to him, and the course material for the entire year, he got up. They weren't allowed to move about alone in the hallways but no one paid him any real attention. The only time he earned any attention was when the teacher's made astonished sounds at him having scored full marks in everything.

He slipped out of the Common Room and was immediately bombarded by the chill of the hallways. Drawing his cloak closer around him, he roamed about, rather aimlessly. He had put a Disillusionment Charm on himself along with a Soundproof charm, so he wouldn't be in any immediate danger.

However, he had a feeling that it would be over soon and today. Something in L's tone had assured him of the fact. He yawned. It was too boring. He didn't have any puzzles to solve anymore, L had beaten him again.

He let his feet lead him.

In retrospect, that wasn't the best decision, because he nearly slammed into a bloodsoaked Light Yagami.

Good thing that he had the sense to spring back to avoid the collision.

Light's head snapped up towards him.

He looked awful. His eyes were puffed up and red, and dried tear tracks on his cheeks further proved the fact that he was crying. The blood on his robes wasn't his, so much of blood would have made any person faint.


"So, I assume that L has somehow contracted a severe injury, no thanks to you and is currently in the Hospital Wing?" Near asked, sounding slightly amused when Light's eyes widened in horror. It was a fleeting moment, before it dissolved into the toneless medium he had come to adopt.

"Wait—, you know what, screw it. Yes. He played martyr and jumped in front of the Basilisk to destroy Tom Riddle and that diary."

His voice was moody, he sounded ticked off.

Near, for the life of him, couldn't figure out what had led L to do such a reckless act.

"And he did all that of his own volition?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes, that idiot did it of his own volition, no one asked him to do it," Light snapped.

Near left aside the fact that he had just called the world's greatest detective an idiot, and instead concentrated on why he had done so, when there were clearly many other options available.

"I see, and I assume that you are running away from duty?" he asked, already contemplating a visit to the Hospital Wing.

Light looked incensed.

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