♣ 0.14

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timeskip: a few months later

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timeskip: a few months later..


after a few months of dating taeyong, i've come to conclude that he's the best boyfriend ever. he's very supportive of my decisions and trustworthy. not gonna lie, i didn't expect him to turn out this way, given the fact that he once treated me like shit.

despite the public comments, we're happy. some people despise us, or me, for dating taeyong while some love our relationship and is supportive of us, wishing us the best of luck.

"hey chaer" taeyong called out, looking at me with his desperate eyes whilst i just hummed in respond. "wanna go ice skating?"

i paused for a second to think, well, to squeal internally. i've always wanted to go ice skating with him, it would be fun.

"sure" I answered, trying to act as if i was calm when i was truthfully very happy.


after a few hours of travelling, we arrived at the rink and thankfully, it was not as crowded as it was on other days.

i may say, i'm pretty good at it since i've been doing it since i was a kid but for taeyong, i'm not so sure.

once we hopped onto the rink, he started shaking and he was awkwardly moving around. well, awkwardly standing since he wasn't even moving from his current position.

"hey, you good?" I asked him as he was losing balance. although, he only gave me a nod, probably incapable of speaking from fright.

"nope, i'm not buying it. here, hold my hand" i retracted my hand so he could grab it and he stared at it for a few seconds before grabbing it and holding on to me.

his hands were so cold yet i felt warm as i felt his stare. though i was used to it, i still can't help but feel flustered whenever he stares at me.

he was silent while he was staring at me but after heaving a sigh, he suddenly spoke up.

"oh God i thought i was gonna die there for a second" he said and i laughed at him while his grip on my hand tightened, but not as tight that it would hurt me, he was careful.

i carefully strode with him, teaching him how to skate properly step by step so he could do it alone.

and when i thought he was ready, i let go of his hand.

"YAYAYAYA" he said as he was reaching for my grasp but i avoided it because we would've fallen.

"just balance and relax" i said, giving him a reassuring look so that he would avoid panicking.

soon, a person bumped into me and i almost fell. but in the midst of falling, a hand caught my back and hugged me.

it was like the time when he revealed his identity, i loved it, it's like history repeating itself.

and as I opened my eyes, i saw Taeyong's lovely eyes. they were dreamy and it looked like stars were in there. i sensed comfort from his gaze, he may look intimidating at first, but when you look at him thoroughly, he's just like a cute puppy.

we didn't move an inch from our spots and we continued staring at each other, while on each other's arms. soon, he leaned in and i wasn't backing out, it felt like was glued in my position and can't move. our breaths hitched in each other's lips.

without sparing any more time, he closed the gap between us with ease. his lips were cold due to the temperature but it brought me comfort. it gave a cool sensation that I loved.

we soon then broke our kiss and our face were flushed with bright red tints.

"wanna go for round two?"


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