Chapter 3: The Lover Rival

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~Present Day: February 7th, 1937~

For the last seven months, I trained with Mordin. The necromancer gave me an arsenal of deadly spells to work with. I learned how to block spells by assuming defensive positions. And as I progressed, I began to tinker around...combining spells to make new, deadlier, ones.

Mordin also taught me how to infuse other's bones to the wand. I then used the technique to add not only a piece of Mordin to it, but a portion of Claire's pointer finger as well. I retrieved it from her grave two months ago, using "Sever" the Cleave Spell.

Today, I was going to visit her once more. I had overwhelming,  insatiable, need to see Claire before my plans were set in motion and things became hectic. On my visit, I will let her know that she is missed, and even more so that she will be avenged.

I entered my old bed chambers. The room was dark, lit only by a single candle.  I stood firmly against the back wall and with the wave of my wand a pentagram formed in the middle of the room. 

I sat within it, in a meditative position.  "Dias Scend," I enchanted. The pentagon activated, glowing white. 

I was doing a minor teleportation spell. It would only send a ghostly projection of me, to a desired location, for a short period of time. Whereas a major teleportation spell, like Varos, would permanently sending the caster.

I finished the spell by closing my eyes and stating the place I wanted to go, "The Phoenix Cemetery." I felt myself begin to feel lighter in mass, as though I was rising out of my body. As I opened my eyes, I saw that I was hovering in mid-air.

I looked down at my hands. My entire being was made of blue, transparent, light. I looked down on the floor and saw the real me, still sitting in the pentagram. The spell worked as I vanished from the room and reformed at the Phoenix family plot.

A storm brewed in the cloudy, starless, night. The howl of the wind was whistling in the air. The dark clouds above brought with them a flash of lightning, followed by the booming drums of thunder.

 I looked at the rusted gates with our family's surname on it. They were locked by a chain and padlock. I removed my wand from the holster.

I pointed the tip at the keyhole in the padlock. "Invada," I cast.  The padlock unlocked with ease. After removing the lock, I slowly made my way to the heart of the cemetery.

As I approached the correct headstone, I saw that the flowers I placed on her grave had died. I aimed my wand at the flowers.  "Rejunven," I cast.

The flowers were her favorites. They were known as Incindies, fire roses that glow like faint embers blowing in gentle winds. I watched as the Incindies were resurrected from my spell, looking freshly bloomed. 

"There...good as new," I spoke. I looked upon the words of her headstone:

                                                                                           Claire Phoenix

                                                                     June 25th 1910 - January 7th, 1936

                                                                            "And from the ashes, we rise"

                                                                                       Beloved daughter

Oh how I miss you, dear twin sister. The pain is never-ending, like a festering, gaping, wound that is ever-growing. You were the only one in this cruel world who showed me kindness.

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