Chapter 24: A Duel Of The In-Law's, Part 2

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We both raised our wands, casting the same spell, "Decimate!" A red beam shot from my wand as a blue one shot from his. The beams met in the middle, clashing against one another with sparks  and molten liquid flying to the ground.

Over a brief time, William and I tried to increase our beams strength  to get the upper hand on the other. However, the beams grew out of control and caused a small explosion. The impact sent us both flying back onto the ground.

We quickly got back up to our feet, me being first. I aimed my wand at the ground, "Grovelier," I cast. I chunk of earth rose from the ground. As I aimed my wand at William, the boulder flew toward him.

William rolled out of the boulder's path, taking a kneeled offensive position. "Execute!" he cast. His wand became electrified as a beam of electricity shot from it. I brought the tip of my wand up to meet the beam, blocking it.

As I flung my wand, I redirect the beam of electricity. The beam became a bolt of lightning, shooting up into the sky. I waved my wand, "Serrade." The Shrapnel Spell soared at William, threatening to end his life.

He quickly blocked my attack, forming the Aegis barrier. The spell struck the barrier in multiple locations at once, placing a large crack within its structure. I kept my wand aimed on him, knowing that a basic spell could now break through his defense.

"Gusto," I cast. A high-powered ball of wind shot from my wand and collide with the barrier, breaking it as it struck. The gust of wind was so strong that it too hit William. As his barrier vanished, he went flying back into the Hallows.

I flickered closer to the trees lining the forest. As I walked in, rain started to fall with a flash of lightning and a crack of thunder. I looked upon the ground, where William should have been. However, he was no where to be seen.

My attention was caught by the sound of a flicker in the distance. I chased after the sound, flickering further into the forest. I found myself surrounded by trees, yet no William.

"Coward!" I yelled. "Come out!" I started doing, what was known as, a Lash Out. It was the quickest offensive spell a witch or wizard could use. When a wand was waved, without a spell but still with ill intent to do harm, it produced a Lash Out.

I waved my wand at a nearby tree, thinking William could have been behind it. Wood and bark exploded from the tree as it fell, slowly, to the forest floor. "I will level the Hallows to find you, if I must!" I called out.

I flung my wand toward a few other trees, my Lash Out chopped them down as well. As I went to strike another, William stepped out from the actually tree he was hiding behind. "Missed me," he joked sarcastically. "Infini Barragio," he cast.

A spark came forward, bouncing off the ground in front of me. As it divided into smaller sparks, I swiftly encased myself in the Aegis barrier. The sparks detonated, placing a crack in my barrier and engulfing the outside in smoke.

With my shield weakened, I know I shouldn't wait for another attack. I ceased my barrier, stepping out from the smoke. To my surprise, William hadn't moved. In fact, he held something in his other hand.

"Jinx," he said holding up the other item in his hand.

"Is that..." I started in confusion, getting a good look at what he had. "Impossible, it's... Seraphim! But I..."

"Left it at the bottom of the statue of Amadeus Lockhart..." he smirked. "Despara!" As William finished his jinx, a quick flash of light emitted from Seraphim. The flash instantly caused my vision to blur and I could hear disorienting, whispered, voices flooding into my head. 

This jinx was know as the Despair Jinx. The spell twisted its victim's mind and memories, causing hysteria and hallucinations.

"Corvin?" called out a familiar, sweet, feminine voice.

 I looked over at who called me, trying to wipe my eyes clear. "I know that fiery red hair," I claimed in surprise. "Claire?"

William watched as his spell took effect, trapping me in my own mind. "Claire," I spoke in relief. I walked over to her, holding her in my arms. "I have missed you so, so, much. Tell me it was all a nightmare..."

William shed a tear as he raised his wand to me, holding nothing but the air. "I am sorry my friend," he uttered in a broken voice. "Solidify."

A bolt of light shot from his wand, striking me in my back. My wand slid from my grasp as I fell to the ground. My muscles hardened like cement, feeling as though I had ice in my veins. William walked over, standing next me.

 I was still halfway conscious as a living statue. I could hear and see, but not move even in the slightest. "I do hope you do find peace some day," he said as if he were speaking his final words to me.

William cast the Hover Spell on my body. He returned, with me, to the others who waited to see who won our duel. As he came out of the Hallows, my followers were filled with fear by the surprise of the victor.

They all started to grieve as they fled from the Hallows, flickering away at first before teleporting back to the cathedral. William was surrounded by his fellow noble witches and wizards, along with the inquisitors. 

"What are you going to do with him?" Inquired Penelope Pixie. 

"I am going to take him to Spellbound," replied William. "Corvin will face the judgement of the remaining Council of Magic. He will be tried and justice will be served."

"Justice?" questioned Cecil. "I say we kill him now. He has taken too many lives and if given the chance...he will surely take more."

"I know...but we are not judge, jury, and executioner. If I killed Corvin without first trying to save him, it would be no different than the  murders he has committed. He will face the council..."

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