Chapter 10: Stepping Up to the Plate

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Reid walked into the photo studio. He had the laptop bag on his shoulder, ready to return it after 2 weeks of working from home. He opened the door and stared in confusion. The only two in the studio was Ori the photographer, a lighting tech, and Amy. They sat at one of the tables, and turned toward the door when Reid walked in.

Reid walked over and sat the bag down. "What's going on? Why is there nobody else here?" he asked.

Amy answered. "Our two kitchen techs decided to quit. They didn't give any reasons, but I think it was personal. They never really got along, and I think they just both independently quit, to get away from the other one."

"Do we have any clients today?" Reid asked. "I could work the kitchen for now, it shouldn't be an issue."

Amy looked frightened, she turned to Ori, who just shrugged. "We have Mr. Wonka coming in today. He runs City's Best, that packaged food company. They are in development with some new products and they need us to shoot for their packaging labels."

Reid thought for a moment. "I don't think it should be a problem."

Amy perked up. "Wait, really? This guy can be really picky with details and perfection. Can you work under that pressure?"

Reid waived his paw. "I worked in the city's most prestigious kitchen. Every grain of salt had to be perfection. I think I'm up to the task."

Just then the door comes open. In walks Mr. Wonka. He was a gray-colored bat with a few blue stripes and blue-tufted ears. His wings were separate from his arms. He is wearing very nice clothing. Not quite suit and tie, but you can tell he has money. Even though his physical size was average, his presence was huge.

Amy stood up and shook his hand. "Mr. Wonka, it's a pleasure to be working with you again, sir."

"Please, I've told you that you can just call me Wonka, I'm not here to be intimidating or anything. I just want to make sure my product looks good. I strive for the best." He looked over to Reid. "Hello, sir. I am Wonka, I don't believe I remember seeing you here before."

Reid shook his hand. "My name's Reid, sir. I just started working here a few weeks ago. I will be working in the kitchen today."

Wonka looked interested. "Well then, I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

Reid prepped the kitchen with everything he will need. Wonka brought in a list of the new products and photos from development. Reid was ready to get cooking.

Reid worked on the first product, it took a couple tries, but he was finally able to come out with a plate that he was happy with. The product was for 'City's Best Gourmet Meatballs' he plated everything, made sure the sauce was just right, and garnished just a little to add color, but not take away from the main focus. He took the plate and sat it on the bar behind him.

"Mr. Wonka, would you like to come see?" he called out.

Wonka came into the kitchen and observed the plate in front of him. He studied all sides and was quite impressed with the result.

"Well, I think that's even better than what I had envisioned. I don't know how you did it, but I am more than pleased. It looks so real too." He sniffed the plate.

Reid chuckled. "That's because it is. After we're finished with the photos, you can eat them if you want. No advertisement trickery was used here."

The plate was taken to the podium where the lighting was set up and Ori began taking photos. Wonka looked at each one and was finally able to approve one after many tries. Reid took the dish back to the kitchen and used his pinky finger to touch the sauce.

"Still warm, would you like to try?" he asked.

Wonka nodded, grabbed a fork and ate a meatball. "Oh my, this is amazing. How are you able to do this?"

Reid shrugged. "It was my job for a while. I had time to practice, I guess."

They continued working. At the end of the day, they had finished photos from all 5 products that Wonka had brought in. He was impressed by each one. He thanked Reid for his outstanding work and said goodbye to Amy. He left the studio in a great mood.

Amy approached Reid. "You did well, I guess you don't need that trial run after all, huh?" she nudged him. "Welcome, Reid. You are now our official kitchen tech. Or, based on what we saw here today, how about our official 'Chef'?"

Reid smiled. "I like the sound of that. Thank you so much, Amy."

LATER: Reid walked through the door to he and CJ's home. CJ was on the couch looking through future produce orders for the farm. He turned around to greet Reid.

"Hey Reid, how'd your first day back go?" he asked.

Reid smiled again. "Well, if you want to be technical about it, you should probably call me ... Chef Reid." he glowed as he said those words.

CJ stood up and walked over to hug Reid. "I'm so proud of you. I knew you'd be good."

Reid hugged back. He sat and talked to CJ about his day and everything he was able to do. CJ was impressed as well, even though he wasn't there to see it. After that, Reid offered for the two to go to the farm, so Reid could help there, but CJ declined. He was happy with the time off he's been getting. And he is well enough at this point, that he will be able to get back to it in the next few days.

Soon after this, the sun was starting to go down and Reid was watching the television. The news came on and the top story caught his attention.

"Restaurant Arsonist: Arrested" they showed a mugshot of a Panther. Reid knew instantly who it was. CJ noticed Reid's focus on the television. He looked back and forth between them.

"Who's that, Chef?" He said. "Someone you know?"

Reid sat back with a smile on his face. "It is indeed. Life finds a way to make things right, doesn't it?" he asked.

CJ pondered. "Well, I guess. But life is also what you make of it, right?"

Reid leaned into CJ. "Yes it is. Like taking a photo."

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