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If you've seen Mumbo's newest episode you probably know lol.

I headcanon that Suma has the self care skills of a bucket.

This is really short and rushed so yee

A N G S T and some fluff


Xisuma had been working on his base for days non stop. He didn't take a break to eat, sleep, or just to take care of himself in general. He just kept on building away. After three consecutive days, he finally paid the price. He was building, as he had been for a while, and all of a sudden, a wave of pain came washing over him. He doubled over, hissing in pain. Another wave washed over him, causing him to collapse onto the floor and curl into a ball of pain.

When was the last time I ate? I just did... or was that yesterday, or-

He was cut off by another wave of pain and a constant beeping coming from his helmet.

Half a heart?! How is that even possible? Am I that bad at taking care of myself?

He searched his inventory for food, but couldn't find any.

Derp. You should have at leas-

Xisumavoid starved to death

Xisuma woke up in his bed at home. He heard someone at his door. Before he could even register anything, Xanthus burst into the room, the expression on his face a mix of anger and worry.

"You derp! Why didn't you eat?! How many times do I have to tell you to take care of yourself?!"

Xanthus began to lecture his brother, handing him a bunch of golden carrots and potions, going on and on about how he should prioritize his health over his work. After about an hour, Xanthus just sighed mid-sentence and walked out of the room.

"Wait here." he said bluntly

He came back a few minutes later with two mugs of hot chocolate, handing one to his brother. He sat down on the foot of his brother's bed, sipping his drink carefully.



"Thank you."

Xanthus smile warmly, the look on his face so heart warming that Herobrine himself would probably melt at the sight.

"No problem, Suma."

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