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(1 day till three weeks is over!)

Jirou POV

I can't I just can't she doesn't love me and I shouldn't love her. That's the sad reality of my situation. I can't do this. I leaned against a wall hurting my spine slightly.

"What the fuck am I gonna do" I whined putting my hands on my face. My hands felt warm on my face. Why did I have to fall in love. That's when I made a decision. There's something I need to do.

Momo POV

There she was the musical beauty of my life. I had spotted her leaning on the wall and had hidden myself.

Jirou looked sad and distraught. Like something was wrong. I should help her!

She doesn't want your help

Right that I saw her stop leaning and sighed. She untucked a necklace from her shirt. It looked to be a jade crystal with silver wrapping around it. She started to walk off.

I chose to follow her. She went to flower shop. I sat outside I had made a disguise for myself with my quirk. She came out with a bouquet of red roses?

A flower linked to romance? COULD JIROU BE DATING SOMEONE I screamed in my mind. I saw her walk down the street still looking depressed and reluctant. She kept walking what was in that direction.

Let's see the convince store, ice cream parlor and the cemetery were all close down that road but also houses.

Jirou kept walking step by step down the street. She stopped at a gate to the
cemetery. She walked into it.

Did someone die or was she meeting someone here. Why is she here? I kept wondering the feeling still keeping my anchored to a unpleasant feeling.

She stopped in front of a grave. She got to her knees putting the flowers down. So someone had died but who.

Jirou started singing a song. It was happy and joyful in its tune.

"Oh dear Miyu. I stayed up late last night. Battling sleep refusing to lose the fight. For you for you."

I looked at the grave stone squinting. It read, Miyu Kabashi****-*****.
But that was only a like a year ago.

"This necklace that you gave me is cold on my skin" Jirou's voice did something unexpected for her. It cracked as she sung.

"But I'll always ke-" Jirou began to sob and couldn't keep singing. Her song ended and she started to speak.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Jirou spoke through sobs.

I wanted to reach out to her to hug her. To comfort her from her pain. I want to save her from this. I want to help her.

"M-Miyu-Chan I'm sorry I'm sorry but hey I'm g-gonna obey you I guess but I'm not s-sure if I'll ever let go Miyu-Chan" Jirou said through heavy breaths and tears that broke my heart.

"I'm not sure if I'll ever s-stop loving you. It's a few d-days till the anniversary of our f-first date" Jirou said her voice horse in its speech. I sudden wind whipped through the grave yard.

Blowing a few strands of hair into my face. So she had dated this dead girl. She sounded like she loved her with everything possible. But I wasn't prepared for her next words.

"W-well I'm living for me I found a-another to have a c-crush on" She said rubbing her shoulder.

This broke me inside. I could feel myself shattering. I tear came to my eye and I put a hand over my mouth in pure shock.

"I think you'd like h-her. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu"

Cliff hangers are a bitch right?
-Your Favorite Lesbican't

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