Fight the light or dark will come

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It was none other than Thalia Grace. Urgh call me later I wanted to say but i decided to let Artemis destroy it and she did. She leapt throw it before getting pierced by a dagger. Her body disintegrated and dissipated. "So much for her and now the rest for you" I growled before stalking up to the Olympians. I raised my sword above my head and was about to kill the closest god when a voice shouted "NO DON'T DO IT." It was a familiar voice so i hesitated. I looked around scanning the area when it yelled "THAT'S NOT THE WAY TO TREAT A GOD." Then i saw who it was. It was me but not me. It was Old me, Carefree me. "Fight me instead" It whispered barely audible. I jumped off Apollo and walked to the clone of me and he pulled a familiar weapon out. Riptide. I grabbed My dagger and thought this will be easy. I struck towards myself then it stopped and flew the other way and missed him. I tried again but it kept happening. I threw the dagger towards him but before i could throw my arm darted to the left and threw. Then i saw what was happening. I was brainwashed. The trial never happened. Chaos and end are still in their prison. None of this happened Percy. Snap out of it. My eyes faded into the sea green colour it used to be. I looked around at the carnage i had caused and closed my eyes wishing for it all to end...

And there is the end. None off it happened he is still Percy Jackson unbetrayed hero of Olympus

percy chaos end primordial godWhere stories live. Discover now