Toys Idea, Fusions, RT, and Ocs

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Author's Note: Here's some art. A lot of them having been sitting away and waiting to be used. I'm still goin' through both my stash of art and artbook itself. I have a lot to go through unfortunately. Hopefully, I can get to the art that has all the crystal stuff in it soon.... 

Anyways, Enjoy. 



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1. Characters:

 Me drawing all of my ocs would be a pain. I have far too many, and I can't even remember the ones that I made when I was real young. Some of them here hold some place in my mind: two of them do not.

 Characters shown:

 (first box) S and Q: Ya'll already know them. 

 (second box) Rawr, M.D., and Theo: Three ocs that were originally from Poptropica. 

 (third box) The Doctor and his Assistant: I never remember the true name of the snake doctor. I do remember that the assistant is named Fiona; she's a flamingo.

 (fourth box) Faceless: From a oneshot called Idea 2 (Toys). These guys are pretty much the antagonist to the story. Well, the one to the left in the blue coat is. 

 (Last box) Arthur: Ya'll know him too. His full title is Arthur the Mad. 



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2. Toys: 

 A bunch of toys. From the same oneshot that the faceless appear in. Do they seem familiar? They should. 

 Toy one: Some kind of crochet toy. Has strange green bands on its arms. 

 Toy two: A little man with nubs for hands. Kind of like those figures you get from a crank machine but bigger. 

 Toy three: A robotic bird. I actually redesigned it a few days ago, but I forgot to submit that. So, you'll see it some other day. I debating on which design I like better tbh. 



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3. Toys 2:

 More toys. Weird ain't it? All of them have a story to tell... I wonder what it is. 

 Toy four: A dog plush. Has some sunglasses and a red color. It can stand pretty well on its own. 

 Toy five: A marionette. I believe that's the right kind of puppet. It's probably one of the more recognizable of the bunch. It's also the most aware of this group sadly. 

 Toy six: A little windup bee. You can tell I wrote this idea back before the newest update to Minecraft.

 Toy seven: A music box toy. It looks like a little sleeping man or perhaps a wizard? Its hard to know. It can't speak. I think it's sleeping... So shhh!



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4. RT the Daniel man. 

 A concept for how Mr. Rumble Tumble looks in the Mightyverse. He's got one good wing and the other is very messed up. I've been meaning to submit this one for a while, but I never found the time. I should've made his hair more fluffy.



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5. Pinned:

 Another thing from the Toys Idea. This is a little scene from it. Well, it's roughly a scene. The Faceless you see here is the captain of a group of Faceless.



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6. Hunting Fusions: 

 Okay, remember during Cleo's head games when a couple of hermits teamed up in order to win? That's what inspired this. 

 Soooo introducing:





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