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~~~~Back to Ezume and Konotori...~~~~


*Ezume slowed down and turned to Konotori*

Ezume: Hey, you hungry? I'm hungry!

Tori: I could eat, do you have any money?

Ezume: Money? Isn't that the green stuff that grows on trees? My best friend has a lot! But no, I don't have any, do we need it?

Tori: I guess I have enough to pay for both of us, what do you want to eat?

*Ezume's grin doubled in size when he saw the free salt packets*

Ezume: Salt!

*Ezume proceeds to skip away to the cafeteria area, salt straight ahead*

Tori: You just want salt? That's extremely unhealthy

Ezume *not caring about the response*: Health? What's that?

Tori: Alright kid just go get some food and meet me back at this table okay?

*Ezume stops dead in his tracks when a sign catches his eye*

Ezume: Are those... balls of Meat??????!!!!!!!!

Ezume *while pointing at the sign excitedly*: Tori-Tori!!!!! Balls of Meat!!!!!

Tori: Ok here's some money, knock yourself out kid

*Ezume grabs the money and darts to the front of the line, cutting in front of everyone else*

Tori: *shouting over to Ezume*: Don't spend all of it kid I'm not exactly made of money!

Ezume *laughing*: My best friend says the same thing!!!!

Ezume (To the lady behind the cash register): Gimme all the balls of meat you've got!

Cafeteria Lady: ....

*Ezume slaps all the money Konotori gave him on the counter grinning*

Ezume: and all your salt too!

Cafeteria Lady: *slaps two salt packets* enJoY... NEXXXT

Ezume *not moving*: ... Where's the salt?

Cafeteria Lady: those packets... now move on!

*Ezume still doesn't move and squints down at the two salt packets on the counter*

Angry customers in line: Hey what's the holdup!!????

Ezume *shouting back in a cheery voice*: I'm waiting for my salt!

Cafeteria Lady: I gave you your salt!!!

Ezume *in an innocent voice*: Where?

Cafeteria Lady: THESE GOSH DARN DIGGILY PACKETS RIGHT HERE YE O'L COOP *shoves salt packets at Ezume*

*Ezume looks directly at the salt packets on the counter then back up at the cafeteria lady*

Cafeteria Lady in an annoyed voice: *pulls out a large bucket of salt packets* we can only hand out a max of three packets per person

*Ezume just smiles at the lady, not moving an inch*


Tori: *looks over to see what all the fuss is about to see a line of screaming customers behind Ezume while a cafeteria lady angrily chucks salt packets at him*: Holy cow this kid is insane

Cafeteria Lady: I'm calling security. I don't get paid enough for this.

Tori: *sprints over to Ezume and grabs him before security does* Kid I've been hanging out with you for about 5 minutes and security and already chased us twice

Ezume: MY SALT!!!!!!!!!

*Ezume shoves the meatballs into his mouth*

Ezume (In a loud whining voice): They're not salty enough!!!!!

Tori: what is with your salt obsession

Ezume *still whining and while shoving a meatball into his mouth*: salty boys need salt

Tori: your gonna be sick if you keep shoving those in your mouth

*Ezume ignores him by shoving the final meatball in his mouth and gulps it down without chewing. Only to look over and see a flash of white and purple*

Ezume (In a small voice): Kei?

*The sound of Ezume's voice was cut off though by a large fart that exploded out his rear end directly onto Konotori*

Kei *pushing a cart with a new table in it, looks over shoulder*: What the flying fishbutter was that??

Tori: GEEZ kid why

Ezume *more clearly recognizing Kei, said in a cheery voice*: KEI!!!

Tori: Is that your best friend over there?

Ezume *nods enthusiastically*: Mhmm! My best friend in the whole world!

Tori *to Kei, grabbing Ezume by the shirt*: I believe this belongs to you sir

Kei: never seen that man in my entire life

Ezume *reaching over and grabbing Kei into a large hug*: I missed you sooooo much! And Look! I made a new friend, Tori-Tori!

Tori: My name is actually Konotori, you must be Kei. Nice to meet you sir, I hope you are slightly more sane than your best friend here

Kei: yeah, I actually don't care but-

*a small spider crawls out of the newly purchased packaged table*

Ezume *while pointing to the small spider*: Oh hey Kei! Look its a spider!

Kei *RIPS outs his flamethrower*: AHHHHHHAHGGGHH

*SWooshes is everywhere incinerating the entire new table and burning everything around it in Ikea*

Tori: GOOD GOD MAN get a grip it's just a spider *flicks it off with finger*

But alas, it was too late. Kei had already destroyed everything in a 10 foot radius.

Kei *heavily panting*: Did I get it?

Ezume *While letting out a series of gassy farts*: Hmmm, I'm not sure



The Main Dish: Tori-ToriWhere stories live. Discover now