Chapter 4: Collect the Failure

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"You thought Yharim was bad? Try fighting a god." - Draedon

"Everything was going well, until you came along." - Calamitas

"I have long since gotten over the bitterness of my youth." - Yharim

"I'm not some dude in a spacesuit, I'm a complete robot with a human mind. You may think that's cool, but I seriously regret becoming one." - King Slayer III

"Defeating me is merely a dream, Facing me is a nightmare, And you'll never wake from it!" - Unknown


Emerald Forest, Raechel POV

I saw them, Xeroc. He erased the world and told me he had a new purpose for me. Three greater gods apparently told him to "convince me" to go to a new world, one without Draedon or Teochrome. He didn't have to destroy the world to do that...

[Y/n: Remember, if you see any strange machines, break it then report to me. We can not allow Draedon to ruin this world for his twisted science.]

My text box? But only Terrarians can... there's more!? Father's equipment is here too!? It must be my fault, it came here with me... I will erase everything that came here from father.

Yang POV

[Y/n: Team RWBY, you're with me. I don't trust to leave you alone after Thorn... Yang.]

Cardin and his fellow trash started laughing. The rest of the class just looked at me.

Yang: What?! Everything worked out fine!

[Y/n: I was late because of that. Anyways, for the rest of you, take a picture with your scroll of what you find before breaking it. That way I know how much extra credit to give out.]

Everyone payed attention to that. Mostly chatting about how it's the first class and already extra credit.

[Y/n: You have 45 minutes until class ends. Go.]

Y/n: Team RWBY, let's go.

We entered the forest, heading towards where we first met Y/n. It was now we noticed that he had the mask off and was drinking... honey?

Me: Um, Y/n... what did you want to ask me earlier?

He just crushed the bottle after it was empty. It was like the glass just evaporated. He put the mask back on before looking at me. 

Y/n: Do you... have rage power?

Oh right, he's not human or Faunus, so he doesn't know what a semblance is. Does he even have an aura?

Me: It's my semblance, I can take hits and it makes my own stronger. As long as my aura doesn't run out.

Y/n: Similar to rage... I take hits... or get mad... then have five seconds of powerful attacks.

So that's what the rage bar is.

Ruby: Is that what the red sparks were with the plant?

Y/n: Yes... hold on.

He suddenly put his arm out to stop us. There was a large metal ball just spinning in place. It had a glowing green eye.

 It had a glowing green eye

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