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Toby's POV

" Hanna, what are you doing now?" I say exasperated.

" Yeah, Hanna just stop" Emily agrees.

" I swear I read this online if you shine a light directly into her she might wake up." She mummers aggravated

" Ugh" I sigh. All afternoon Hanna has been trying to find way to wake Spencer up. All failing. The doctor said that if she doesn't wake up in the next 24 hours they have to take her off life support; it's not good for the babies. The chances are slight for them both surviving. When she does wake up and they do the ultra sound; she needs to be moved into emergency c-section.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Spencer was never supposed to get pregnant, Callie was never supposed to come back. All these secrets and lies are tearing me apart.When will we get a break. I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard Aria speak

" Hanna, it's not working, just stop."

" Wait, I think she's moving." I looked over and she was indeed moving. Her eyes opened and squeezed back shut.

" Hanna get the light out of her eyes." I nearly scream.

" Spencer?" She opens her eyes. I just stay still staring into those chocolate brown orbs I've been yearning to see for weeks.

She opens her mouth but, all that comes out is coughs. I reach over and get the glass of water Emily brought me and put it to her lips and she drinks greedily. When she is done, she looks up at me and rasps out a faint. 'Toby?'

" Yeah, it's me." I try to smile. Tears brim in her eyes and I embrace her in a air crushing hug.

" I can't breathe Toby" I pull back immediately.

She puts her hand on her belly.Then looks at me with a worried expression.

" Don't worry, we'll get them checked, it's gonna be okay" I soothe

" I-I" She starts, but I stop her.

" Shh, baby don't talk."

I heard the door close indicated me that the girls had left. I internally thank them for giving us some time alone.

" You have no idea how happy I am to see you. happy" Tears gazing over my eyes. " I thought I would lose you, they were gonna take you off life support, the babies might not make. If you didn't make it I don't know what I'd do."

" Toby." She said, her voice small. " You, don't have to worry about me losing you." She pauses. " I'll always come back to you."

I gave her a smile and leaned in to kiss her lips. They were dry and chapped but, she was perfect to me. Just as I was about to taste her sweet lips the door opened. I jumped back.

There stood Spencer's parents and the doctor.

" Spencer, honey.I'm so glad you're up" She said tearing up a bit.

" Hey mom, dad." She smiled, her voice was still raspy from before.

" I'm so sorry sweetie. I should'nt have trusted her so quickly. I could tell by the way Spencer's face changed from happy to one of discomfort that she didn't want to talk about it.

" Yeah, umm it's alright." She mutters looking away.

" So" The doctor butts in. " My name is Dr. Payne and I'm so happy that you're awake! But, we need to rush you down to the OBGYN and get you checked out. You're just about about 7 months pregnant so the babies are premature. But, they are weak. After all these things, it is not healthy for you to carry them any longer.So, most likely we need to rush you into an emergency c-section. Dr. Hudson is here, so don't fret. She will guide you guys through this all. In a couple of minutes. Some nurses will wheel you down to the OBGYN where everything will be taken care of."  He finally finishes with a smile.

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