Maybe You're Not So Bad

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Hi I decided to update on time. This chapter is kinda short cause I'm tired and It's like really late. Oh yeah and sorry for you spoby lovers, there will not be a lot of Toby in this chapter:)

Callie (POV)

The only reason why I agreed to do this shit was so I could get revenge on the perfect little daughter they kept instead of me. I mean you leave for 16 years then you suddenly come up out of the blue because you're at a time of need? If they thought I was this easy-going then they were wrong. I going to bring that bitch down and she'll take her precious little family down with her.

I heard some one coming into my room so I put on the best fake smile I could muster.,

" Hey" Veronica mused with a pleasant smile on her face.

" Hi" I replied with that same smile.

"So, Spencer is awake and... she wants to meet you."

" Really?" I said actually surprised I didn't really think she would want to see me so soon.

" Yes. Is that alright?"

" Yeah. " That was more than alright. It made my plan a lot easier."

Spencer (POV)

I heard footsteps approaching the door. I had not idea why I was so nervous I wasn't even nervous the day before midterms and I hadn't studied one bit, because I went partying with Hanna. I was just second guessing my decision when the door opened. I guess there is no going back.

When I got my first look at Callie I was astonished she looked exactly like me. Same hair, same lips, same eyes. We were definitely identical. I just sat there staring until someone overly extra coughed.

" Oh sorry for staring. It's just you look so..." I stammered in my amazement.

" Like yourself, yeah I'm surprised too."

There was another pregnant pause. Talk about awkward silence. A sudden ringing interrupted the silence. It was my mom, she excused herself and Dad followed.

" So.. how are you seem to be hurt pretty bad." She said obviously trying to start conversation

" I'm fine. I just got into a stupid fight with my boyfriend about you actually and went to let some steam out and this is what happened."

" Why is your boyfriend a pain in the ass?" She pondered

" No, the exact opposite of that actually. Even when I found out I was pregnant he still"

" Hold up your pregnant? You don't look preggers at all" She interuppted with her mouth a gape

" Thank you?..." I laughed, I think she and Hanna will get along perfectly fine

" Where do you live?" I asked, I didn't want to ask about her "family" because I knew it would be a touchy subject.

" 40 minutes outside Rosewood. I live with my... with my parents In a small town called Ravenswood"

" Oh okay. How about you any friends, boyfriend?"

" No not really. I have this one friend but she doesn't really live near me so I don't see her a lot. And no I do not have a boyfriend, but there's this one boy I like. But, he would never go for a girl like me. I'm kind of a nerd."

" Well, you'll never know unless you try. I would totally want to meet him. Maybe I could change the way he perceives you."

" Maybe."

We stayed in utter silence for a while until my- our parents came back.

" Hey guys, they said they you have to stay here two more days so they can find out news on your babies."

I simply nodded in response. But, I shouldn't have done that cause now I feel sick.

" Hey you don't look so good." Callie said worried.

" I think I'm gonna be sick." And with that I picked up the bucket at my side and let my guts out.

After I was done emptying myself I put the bucket to my side.

" Guys I'm really tired. I think I'm going to rest." I said faking being tired. I just really needed to call Toby.

" Okay we'll leave. Love you. Callie, come on."

I watched them all lave the room and when I was sure they were gone I picked up the phone and dialed the number I knew by heart.

After 7 rings he picked up.

" Hello?"

" Toby, It's Spencer.'

" Oh thank god I've called your cell for hours. My phone was dead so if you tried to call me any time before it would have gone straight to voice mail' Well that explains a lot. " Wait Spence why are you calling me from the hospital?"

His voice laced with worry.

" It's a long story. But I kinda got into a car accident." I said knowing he would go full alpha male when I said this.

" What, on my god Spence are you okay? Are the babies okay? You know what never mind I coming there."

" Toby I" And the line went dead.

I didn't want Toby to be so worried. But I was secretly kind of glad that I was going to get to see him soon.

A/N: So I hope you all liked it! It really means a lot to me that you like my writing! Thanks for all the nice reviews I got the last chapter. You guys are the best!

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