Tell me What's On Your Mind Pt. 1

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I wake up and lift the covers over my head to be met by blinding rays of sunlight seeping through the curtains, I put quickly pull them back only to get that same feeling of nausea I run to the bathroom and let my guts out. To make it worse I had a throbbing headache, I was going to reach for aspirin but I wondered if it could hurt the baby so I decided against it; guess I was just gonna have to deal with it.

I got up and brushed my teeth, then did took a shower and combed my hair when I was satisfied with my look I went to pick out my outfit. I choose a baby blue ruffled blouse with a simply white cardigan, and some royal blue skinny jeans. I pack my bag drink my sadly one smallcup of coffee a day and head out to my car.

Once I got my car parked in student parking I spotted out my friends in a group in the courtyard.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Were good how are you?" Aria said answering for the group.

"I'm as great as a girl can be. You know 17 year girl's pregnant nothing can be better and not to mention my headache. So as you can see I am great." I replied sarcastically.

"Oh yeah so when are you gonna tell your baby daddy the truth?"

I was going to respond but truth be told I didn't know. I was thinking about it when the bell rang.

"Sorry guys I have to get to class" I guessed I really was saved by the bell.


I couldn't concentrate all day it was like I was hearing but not listening. In the middle of my advanced math class the teacher asked me a question which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"What did you say" I responded groggily

"I said what is the square root of pie I was just explaining it."

"I don't know" And with that single comment there was gasps of shock everywhere, I mean like seriously I have a life too.

Throughout the rest of the day I was just thinking and avoiding Aria, Hanna and Emily, I couldn't speak to them I just needed to figure things out.

I was so happy when the bell rang I could finally get out of the jail I go to called a school. I ran to my car and start driving away as quickly as a could.


I was sitting on my bed just finishing up my homework when I get a text.

Excited for our date can't wait to see u ~Toby

SHIT, I totally forgot about my date with Toby

Yeah can't wait to see u to, Love you ~Spencer

Love you more~Toby

"Huh" I sighed I don't even know what to wear. I look at the time on my phone, oh my it's 5:30. So I get up to browse my closet. . After about ten minutes of debating on what to wear I chose a simple black and white mid-thigh polka dot dress. Then I did my make-up  and all last preparations, I checked the time it was 6:10. Since I still had 20 minutes or so to burn I decided that I would tell Toby tonight, I just wanted some advice so I called some who would give me the cold hard truth. Hanna

I picked my phone up and called Hanna within two rings she picked up.

"Hello?" Hanna's tired voice said, what's your problem I mentally scolded. I woke her up hope she's not mad.  

"Oh hi Hanna it's me Spence"

"So your still alive, why have you been ignoring us" She sounded hurt

" I didn't mean for it to come across like that. I just needed space you know, to think."

"Your gonna tell him tonight aren't ya."

"Yeah and I need you advice, look........."

"Crap, I owe Aria 10 bucks"

"You guys were betting on this?"

"Sorry but is it that big of a surprise that I would do this?"

"I guess not, you are Hanna"

"So what were you saying about needing advice?"

"Oh yeah, so since I'm going to tell Toby how should I do it, should I just blurt it out at the beginning to get it over with?"

"Definitely not just wait until the middle of the date and go out with it. If you tell him at the beginning there is a chance of your date just ending like that or he would be too busy worrying about you to pay attention to the date."

"Okay I'm trusting you on this one. I'll call you when I come back ok, Bye"


I hang up the phone. Just as the clock hits 6:25 I hear a knock at the door. I rush downstairs to be greeted with Toby standing in the doorway looking as handsome and charming as ever.

"Hey Spence, you look gorgeous as always" He complimented

"Thank you, and you don't look too bad yourself" I gushed

"So you ready to go"

"As ready as I'll ever be" I said as I grabbed my purse and slipped on my flats to follow Toby to his truck.

Hey everybody This is my way of saying Merry Christmas to the people who read this fanfic. So I just want to say something tragic is gonna happen tell what you think . I promise to update on boxing day so that's December 26. Till then KEEP CALM AND LOVE SPOBY.

  From, Alexia                        

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