The Human Realm

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     It had been, nearly, two years since Azlyn had fallen through the portal and found herself in the human realm.   She had not been certain how she had survived without Reve or her bracelet.   Yet...she had.  Dalair had been waiting to meet them on that night.  She was frantic when she had arrived and refused to leave the area of the portal until Reve came through.

     Azlyn and Dalair stood in the woods all night, waiting.   Reve never showed.  When the morning came, Dalair had insisted that they return to his home.   He knew that Penelope was, eagerly, waiting for them to return.  Not to mention, Azlyn had been through a challenging ordeal and needed to rest.  Azlyn had reluctantly walked away from the portal and followed Dalair.  Her mind abuzz with questions; millions of scenarios running through her head.   Why did Reve not follow her?   Had something happened to him?  Had he changed his mind after all?

     Later that night, Azlyn returned to where the portal had dropped her.   She was distraught to find that Reve was still not there.  It was then she noticed something, across the clearing, as the faint light of the moon shown on it.   She walked towards it and there sitting on the ground, between two tall trees, glittering in the moonlight, was her bracelet.  She rushed over to it and picked it up, staring in disbelief.

     "How did this get here?"  Azlyn wondered.

     Azlyn tucked the bracelet into her pocket; deciding that there must be a reason for its unexpected appearance.  She stood where she had found it for the next several hours, carefully scanning the tree-line for any sign of Reve.  Just as the sun began to rise in the sky, she sighed, sadly, before she returned to Dalair and Penelope's home.

     Every night since, Azlyn had returned to the portal and waited.  Sometimes she only stayed for a few minutes and other times she stayed for hours on end.  No matter how much free time she had available, she diligently went to the portal and looked for Reve.  Always believing that he would, eventually, come for her.

     Despite Azlyn's initial convictions, over the last several months, her hope had begun to wane.  She did not know how long she could continue watching and waiting.  If Reve was coming to be with her, would he not have been there by now?  Azlyn shuddered, pulling her coat tight against her frame.  She stared out into the darkness, scanning the empty forest for, what felt like, the millionth time.

     "Azlyn..." Dalair attempted to make his presence known without frightening her.

     "Why isn't he here, Dalair?"   Azlyn sighed.

     Dalair shook his head, sadly.

     "I don't know, Azlyn.  I wish that I had an answer.   But, I just don't know."

      Dalair had often joined Azlyn while she stood at the portal, waiting.  He did not feel that it was a safe place for her to be, especially, because of the demons who may be given to using the portal without any warning.

     "Come on, Azlyn.   Let's get you home.   It is getting late and it's cold out here.  Hunter is waiting for you."  Dalair offered.

     Azlyn quietly scanned the trees one last time; praying for a glimmer of movement, but as usual none came.  She took in a deep breath before nodding her head in agreement.

     "You're right.  I should get back to Hunter."

     They slowly made their way back home.  Penelope greeted them the very moment that they walked through the door.

     "I am so glad that you guys are back!  Dalair, you better go speak with your son, right now!   I am done with his attitude."

     "What is he still doing awake?!"   Dalair demanded.

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