The Royal Bloodline

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     Reve entered his quarters and slammed his door with a huff.  He did not want to have to deal with anyone else.  Today had been one annoyance after another.   If one more thing went wrong, then he might just explode.

     "Well, hello, Prince Reve.   I have been waiting for you."   A sultry voice cooed from the other side of the room.

     Reve looked over and found a beautiful, blonde woman in his bed, laying completely naked.  She had displayed herself, so that Reve could get a good look at all her best assets.  Reve sauntered over to the bed, horns beginning to extend.  He leaned close to the woman's face.

     "What are you doing in my room?"  Reve growled.

     "I was sent here, master.  My name is Emilie and I have been instructed to please you."

     Emilie reached out to run her fingers along Reve's arm.  Reve pulled away before her touch could come into contact with his skin.

     "Do NOT touch me!"  Reve snarled.

     Emilie recoiled, surprised by Reve's reaction.

     "I apologize, sire.  What would you like me to do for you?"   Emilie asked, seductively.

     "I would like for you to...GET OUT!"  Reve bellowed.

     Emilie jumped, startled.  She began to back away from Reve, wrapping his sheet around herself as she did so.

     "I apologize, your majesty, but I cannot do that."  Emilie explained.   "I was sent here by, his royal highness, King Gedeon.  I am under strict orders to pleasure you before I am allowed to leave this room."

     "Is that so?"  Reve hissed.

     "Yes, my lord."

     "Well..." Reve paused, considering his options for a moment.   "I guess we will just have to do something about that."

     With that, Reve reached out grabbing the end of the sheet closest to him.   He pulled on it roughly, yanking the terrified woman to the ground.  Emilie cried out as her head banged against the floor.  Reve paid no attention to this, he threw open his door.  Then began walking down the hallway, pulling the sheet behind him as he went, the woman still wrapped up within it.  Emilie clutched the sheet for dear life; mortified of whatever it was that this mad prince had in store for her.

     Reve pulled Emilie into the throne room; stopping suddenly and leaving her, exposed, in the middle of the court.  Emilie could feel the eyes of all noble demons and demonesses on her; she was overcome with a sense of shame.  This was a new sensation for her; she had never been experienced it before.

     Emilie was a second-generation slave and had been trained in the sexual arts from a very young age.  She had once marched naked through a noble estate at her master's bidding and did not feel an ounce of shame.   Maybe, the difference this time, was that this master did not seem to desire her.  She had never been rejected in her entire life.   When she presented, demons took.   This demon was different, this demon did not want her.  Why did he not want her?

     "Ah, brother!  So, kind of you to grace us with your presence at court!"  Gedeon cheered from his throne before throwing back his glass of a thick red liquid.  "And you brought us all a little treat?!"

     "Why was this woman ordered to pleasure me?!"  Reve demanded, getting straight to the point.

     "So, I take it that you are not here to share, then?"  Gedeon pouted.

     "You all can have at her, I want no part of this!"  Reve exclaimed.

     "I am sorry, brother.  I really thought you would like her.  She is a sex slave, picked specifically for you."  Gedeon explained.  "Tell me what you do not like about her and I will find someone better.  Is it the breasts, are they too small?"

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