Before you read A/N

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Hey y'all this is to let you know what's going on before you get into the book. I honestly have no idea what the update schedule for this book will look like cause on the twentieth I'm leaving to go see some family and shortly after I get back school will start. First for those of you who don't know I will be taking advanced classes this coming year and school is online for me at least part this year so it will extra hard. Plus on top of that I have dance at least 5 hours a week plus all the stuff going on in my family. Honestly I'm pretty sure I'll only get one maybe two chapters out a month three if I'm lucky. The whole reason I'm writing this is to let y'all know to not expect updates often. I also have to try to get at least one chapter a month out for my other two books on my other account and I have ideas for new books that I really want to write. It's not a easy for me to focus on one thing at a time anyway because I have A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) for those of you who don't know that means it means paying attention is not easy for me. Anyways I will probably end up forgetting to update certain books so sorry in advance. Anyway enjoy the book!



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And I'll see y'all in the next chapter


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