moon cat

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*at night*

Mothzuki and luna girl were flying around the whole town and they stop to take a break.

Mothzuki:mothzuki want to play with the Luna magnet she made those puppy eyes.

Luna girl:no way every time I give you it you always shoot me with it and those eyes will not work on me.

Mothzuki:MOTHZUKI WANT MAGNET!!!!!she grab the magenta and the were fighting and were pressing randmon buttons on it.

When they hit it button it shot a big beam going off somewhere.

Luna girl:look what you did!

Mothzuki:no look what luna did EEEE!they flew away.

The beam went inside
of................Connors window.


Connor woke up and felt kinda lightheaded and weird.

He got dress and pack his lunch and backpack and went out the door and seen greg and amaya  going and he ran up to them.

Connor:hi guys.

Greg and amaya:hi.


In class connor was going in a deep trance he was drawing a moon and luna girl and mothzuki on his test and he heard someone say is name.

Teacher:connor?? As connor snap out of it.

Connor:yes teacher?

Teacher:why did you draw on your test?

Connor was confused for a bit and when he seen his paper his eyes was wide open.

Connor:sorry teacher!!as he erased it.

Teacher:its ok he went back to his desk.

When connor was playing basketball ball he look at the ball and fell into a trance again the ball reminded him of the moon and when the ball hit his head he snap out of it.



When he was at lunch he had a cookie and he fell in the trance again.

Amaya:hey she snaps her fingers and he snaps out of it.

Connor:HUH what.

Amaya:we need to talk about that you keep getting distracted.

Connor:sorry idk when I woke up I felt weird and when I took my test I drew the moon luna girl and mothzuki.

Greg:maybe they had something to do with this.


Gekko:hey pj robot have you see. Anything weird happening yesterday??

While on robot was searching catboy got into a deep trance again and press rocket mode on HQ.

Owlette:what the...catboy why would you do that!

Catboy was going up and taking control of the HQ the others try to catch him but it they are already in space.

Gekko:catboy CATBOY!!!as he tried to call him.

As they went up catboy used super cat stripes on them and tied them up and he was heading to the moon.

Owlette:catboy what's got in to you!!

When they finally land on the moon catboy left and put his space suit on.

Gekko:SUPER GEKKO MUSCLES!!he used his muscles to break out of the stripes.

Owlette:let's get catboy.

Catboy was on his rovers and road to the lunar fortresses and he went in.

Luna girl and mothzuki spotted him with concern look.

Luna girl:what are. You doing here!

Catboy:I am here to serve he bowed down.

Luna girl was confused for a sec then she realized and huddled up with mothzuki.

Luna girl:mothzuki remember yesterday  when we were fighting over the magnet and we shot it somewhere.

Mothzuki:mothzuki remembers EEEE.

Luna girl:we must have shot catboy and now he can do whatever we  want.

Mothzuki:mothzuki like that plan EEEE.

Luna girl:well kitty your name is gonna be......moon cat!

Moon cat:as you wish.

Mothzuki:take the pjs HQ!

Moon cat:as you he ran out.

Gekko and owlette were on there rovers to look for catboy but they couldn't see him.

Gekko:owlette what's that in the distance??as he pointed.

Owlette:OWL EYES!!she seen catboy on his rover coming straight towards them.

Owlette:its catboy and he coming right near us.

As catboy was near them he pass them.

Gekko:what is he trying to do?

Owlette:I don't know but we must stop him.

Owlette and gekko caught up with catboy and owlette was right in front of him and used her own feathers to make a force field around him.

Owlette:there that should stop him.but then catboy jumped off his rover over the feathers and and used super cat speed to get to the HQ.

Owlette and gekko chased after him and catboy got in HQ.

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