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The pj masks were on top of HQ sitting and enjoying the view until the sun comes up.

Owlette looked at catboy then she scooted over to him and put her head on his shoulder and blush.

Catboy look at owlette and blush and put his head on her head when gekko seen it he whispered to pj robot to give them some space

Gekko:well I am going cause after the day we been through I am tuckered out bye guys!as he climb down HQ.

Pj robot:*beeps*(well I am going to check if there is any damages bye!)!as he left.

They were silent for awhile


Catboy:yes owlette?

Owlette:did you really mean what you said back there.......that she blush.

Catboy:does this look like I he kissed her than she kiss him back and than the sun was coming back and they stopped they were blushing so much.

Catboy:well the sun is coming back bye owlette!as he jump down and ran to his house.

Owlette just stood there and blush mad hard than she snap out of it and flew back to her house.

*later in school*

Amaya,connor and greg went out side for recess greg was running to the basket ball court while connor and amaya were walking holding hands.

Cameron:HA I was right you are he ran to them.

Cameron:HEY GUYS CONNOR AND AMAYA ARE DATING!!as he called everyone.

Connor:yep we are dating it just means that we just love each other.

Amaya:and will take care of each other they look at each other than went closer than kiss everybody said aww because they thing its cute.


Random girl:to you cause your lonely and have no Cameron got mad and ran away than amaya and connor stopped and went to play with greg.

Hope you guys enjoyed my story soon I am gonna post a new story about gekko and luna girl bye!

a cat and a owl (pj masks love story)Where stories live. Discover now