moon cat pt 2

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Owlette and gekko chased after him and catboy got in HQ.

Catboy was in HQ and pj robot was surprised to see him.

Pj robot:*beeps*(where were you?!)!?

Catboy did not answer and grab pj robot and threw him out of HQ and he turn and seen the crystal and he thought he would bring it to luna girl and mothzuki so he grab it and flew HQ near the lunar fortress.

As he got out he had the crystal in his hand and went back in the fortress.

Owlette:we need to go after and see why is he doing this.

Gekko:good idea hop on pj pj robot got on gekko rover they went to the fortress.

Gekko pj robot and owlette were at the door and took a peek at the door to see what is happening.

Moon cat:I got the HQ and I got this crystal.luna girl and mothzuki eyes was wide open when they seen that crystal.

Luna took the crystal and put it in her magnet and it turn to the wand.

Luna girl:thanks moon cat now your second task is to get those pj masks and bring them to me.gekko pj robot and owlette gasp and mothzuki spotted them.

Mothzuki:HEY OTHER PJS ARE THERE!!she pointed at them.

Moon cat:don't worry I got he used super cat speed to get them.

Pj robot gekko and owlette got on there rovers and started to go.

Moon cat was catching up to them.

Gekko:come on catboy snap out of it!

Owlette:catboy its us owlette and gekko.moon cat just ignore them and kept running.

Gekko rover trip on a rock and pj robot and gekko fell.

And moon cat grab gekko and pj robot.

Moon cat:I will come for you he ran away with gekko and pj robot.


Owlette was walking in a small circles to think about her plan.

Owlette:what can I even do catboy is mind controlled and pj robot and gekko are captured and what can I do what can I do what can I do!!!as she was about to be broken.

Owlette just took a deep breath and relaxed and when she was relaxed she had a idea.

Luna trap pj robot and gekko in the crystal.

Luna girl:HAHAHA if you even try to escape Me or mothzuki will just zap you again.

Gekko:you will not get away with this owlette will get us and set us free.

Mothzuki:sure EEEE.

Everyone heard someone outside so they open the door and seen owlette.

Owlette:HEY YOU CAN'T CATCH ME!!! As she was flying around.

Moon cat:don't worry I got her.he used super speed to catch up to her.

Owlette:can't catch me!!!.she was flying and then she went to the hole then moon cat jump in the hole.

It was dark in the hole and he could not find where owlette was.

Moon cat:where are you at?.....

Suddenly he couldn't move he felt something wrapped around him it sorta tickled soon he realized that he was wrap around with owlette's feathers than owlette grab him and flew out of the hole.

When they were out of the hole she placed him down.

Owlette:catboy your being mind controlled by luna and mothzuki.

Moon cat:that is preposterous(I do not know how to spell the word)luna and mothzuki would never do that Now let me go before I do something that you will regret.

Owlette:come on catboy please resist it.

Moon cat:BUT........I..........

Owlette:come on fight it for gekko pj robot for me......

When she said that he started to light up purple than lay on the ground.

Owlette:CATBOY CATBOY ARE YOU OKAY?!! She was trying to wake him up.

Catboy was starting  to woke up.

Catboy:......ow my head...

Owlette:catboy....are you ok?...

Catboy:...I am owlette wait when did we get on the moon and where is gekko and pj robot and why am I tangled in your feathers???owlette was so happy she hug him so tight.

Owlette:glad your back to normal.catboy hugged her back.


Catboy and owlette was at the front door of the fortress.

Owlette:remember the plan?

Catboy:yep.then owlette hid behind a rock

Catboy open the door and walked in.

Luna girl:finally did you get bird brain?

Catboy:sorry but no but I did got something.

Luna girl:what is it?

Catboy:its.....SUPER CAT STRIPES.he tangled luna girl and mothzuki with stripes.


Mothzuki:let us go EEEE!!

Catboy:sorry but I do not obey you guys no more.

Catboy:gekko what put your Crystal's next to pj robot.


When gekko put his crystal next to pj robot with his super gekko muscles  catboy used his super speed and made it vibrate and break and took luna girl's crystal.

Catboy:ok guys let's go.

They all ran and got owlette and went in HQ and went off the moon and went back home.

Gekko:glad your back catboy.

Catboy:me to.




When they all returned home connor look at his photo of him amaya and greg when he was looking at amaya he started to feel weird......

a cat and a owl (pj masks love story)Where stories live. Discover now