His Birthday

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A busy day. That is what today was for pretty much everyone in the palace. Mystogan had left on a business trip a few weeks ago to meet with a King from another land and was due back a couple days ago. Yet, he wasn't here. And while he was gone, a couple problems arised. Serious problems. One, there was a killer on the loose and had yet to be found after killing 5 people already in one month. Two, there was drought in the farmlands. And when there is drought, there is food shortage. Since Mystogan was gone, he left Asa in charge and she was doing the best she could to keep up with everything. She had left Knightwalker and her team of soldiers in charge of finding the killer and she herself and a few others, handed out and rationed food for those who could no longer afford food.

Heaving a heavy sigh and rubbing her temples, hoping to relieve a headache, she sits down in a chair, "How does he manage to do this everyday?" Asa asks herself.

She feels someone place a hand on her shoulder, "Would you like to rest?" Looking up, she faces Knightwalker.

She gives her a small smile and shakes her head, "No, I'm fine, thank you."

As Asa get's up, Knightwalker bows and walks out of the room.


As the day draws to an end, Mystogan walks behind Asa and wraps his arms around her waist. She jumps a little, then turns around to wrap her arms around his neck, "You're back!" He gives her a kiss. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to make it."

He chuckles, "And miss my son's first birthday?" He holds up a small box, "I wouldn't miss it for anything."

He grabs hold of her hand and walks with her back into the palace and up to their room. "So, what is that?" She points to the small box in his hand.

He smiles, "A gift for Demetri. Speaking of which, where is he?"

"He is up in his room with Anna."

He nods. Once in their room, he takes off his coat and lays it on the bed and heads to Demetri's room. Asa follows.

"Daddy!" Demetri gets up and wobbles towards his father.

Mystogan bends down picks him up, giving him a kiss on his cheek. "Daddy brought you something home from his journey. Happy birthday, Son."

Demetri wraps his arms around Mystogan's neck and hugs him tightly. After he has finished his hug, Mystogan sets the boy down and helps him open the box. Inside is a small, ornately crafted, silver rattle. A smile forms on the small boy's face as he shakes it, enjoying the soft noise it made.

Asa smiles, bends down, kisses the top of his head and watches as Mystogan picks him up to set him in his crib. "Good night, Demetri." He thanks Anna for helping and walks out of the nursury with his arm around Asa's waist. "I want another child," he whispers with a slight smirk on his face.

Asa's face turns bright red as she stutters out a response, "S-so soon?"

He laughs, "Not right away. I was just saying. I would like another child."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

My dearest readers,
Hello again. I hope you guys are enjoying this story :) So I just wanted to add this, if any of ya wanna contact me with story ideas (this one or another) or just wanna chat, feel free to contact me with these ⤵

Kik: adorable_emmy
Snapchat: emersone15
Deviantart: cartershields


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