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it has been two days since taehyung last went to the bar.

this is what he would always do. go out, someone will talk to him, so he'll lay low the next series of days.

it made him feel lonely, of course, but it's what he had to deal with. in order to keep himself hidden and safe.

he looked at his watch, waiting for the clock hand to hit nine, waiting for his usual stealing adventures.

he had five minutes, until that hand hit nine. he pulled his grey hoodie over his head, and pulled it down, it making him feel like home.

taehyung grabbed his mask and slipped it on his face, it covering his face from the eyes and under.

he grabbed his jet black shoes, slipping them onto his sock covered feet, placing his glock 27 in his waistband.

taehyung had never killed anyone before. ever.

he wanted to hope that it would never come to that. shooting someone just so he could steal, but what happens, happens.

killing people wasn't in his motto. just having to look at their shocked eyes and blood forming on their shirts, their short gasps of air and the sound of their lifeless body hitting the ground, made him not want to do it. not want to put a bullet through their body.

what did he need to shoot someone for? as soon as someone saw a gun, they would be afraid. it was all too easy.

he looked back at his watch, seeing that it was finally nine.

nothing like a good old robbery to clear his mind.


he walked up to a less popular bank, located on the other side of town, surrounded by long streets and local homes.

seeing a man walk away from a sightly open door, taking a smoke, he took his chance.

he looked at the ground to find anything to throw, hoping to distract the owner.

taehyung smiled and picked up an almost empty beer can, throwing it towards the owner and immediately ducking after.

the owner looked up from his lighter, startled as he looked on the side of him, towards the pharmacy next to the bank.

"hey, who threw that?", taehyung saw his scowl.

the owner threw his cigarette on the ground, walking with his fists clenched to the nearby pharmacy.

taehyung then held his black bag close to him, running to the partly opened door and sliding inside, careful to not make any noise.

his steps were slow and steady as he walked forward, the bank having a dim glow as to the low quality lightbulbs.

hearing footsteps, he hurriedly ran up the wooden stairs, hiding behind in a corner of a wall.

"mike, is that you?", he heard a man ask.

"you upstairs? i got some donuts.", the creaking of the wood gave awareness to taehyung.

as the man walked more up the stairs, taehyung pulled out the gun in his waistband, making sure the safety is on.

the man reached the top of the stairs, the sound of his bag being heard.

he was about five inches from taehyung, his footsteps following after each other each step he took.

just then, the man crossed the corner, right where taehyung was standing.

"what the-", the man quickly tried to pull out his gun, only for taehyung to be quicker and point his own gun in the man's temple.

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