Introduction to the demon.

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Guys around me split up to their rooms. I also went to mine but slowly and frightened. Allright. Just a month. Especially maybe Chris isn't that bad, how everyone says. And even if he is, I will anyways just lay on bed in a corner and won't bother him. Everything will be okay.
Now I was standing in the front of the door to the hallway and went inside. Surprisingly it was comfortable, rich and with a taste.
Allocated colours: cream-beige and black. However it must to be so, if college requires so much money. I didn't even pay attention to the environment. I straight up went to search the room, which can be found on second floor, just need to go a bit through the hallway.
Finally I reached my new room's door and took a deep breathe. Whatever's in there, none will find out about my secret. I need to get the job done, since I agreed. Alex needs my help. For the first time in my life he needs me and not I him. I won't betray him.

The door interrupted my thoughts, out of nowhere suddenly opened from the other side and painfully hurt my nose. Because I reacted too late and didn't bounce away at the moment.

-Ouch!!-I squealed just like a girl.-It hurts, fuck it!..

I grabbed my nose, my briefcase fell down and I with anger looked at the offender.

-Oops, sorry, I didn't think there is someone standing..-worryingly looked at me a boy with dark slicked-back hair and quiet pleasant look.-Are you okay?

-Yes, only my nose is bleeding.-I responded sarcastically, stood up and wanted to pick my briefcase, but he picked it first and gave it back.  So this is Chris?! It can't be...I think we'd get along.

-Are you our new roommate, right?-he smiled and helped to take my stuff to the room. There were four beds, every of them stood by own corner. Beds were not made of metal but high-quality wood. In fact this room looked better than my own, which was kinda offensive. It's hostel of dreams, damn.

-What bed is free?-I asked showing at carefully well made beds.

-The one in the front of the window.-Chris sat on his own, which was in the front of the door, somehow curiously staring at me. He isn't that bad, how everyone talks about him.-You know there live some other two guys and we know each other for a long're only one new there.

-It's no big deal.-I chuckled and fixed my bang.-I think we could be friends, yeah Chris?

He smiled, raised his one eyebrow and started to laugh so hard. I was confused.

-I'm not Chris.-he finally said, stood up from bed and came to me.-And I was wondering why are you so happy. You're will meet Chris later. Trust me, it won't be the best meeting in your life.

-Don't talk to me that way, i'm not a child. I don't care about your Chris. What he gonna do, huh?! I'm sick of this jerk!-I stood up and left the room, slamming the door.

Why am I not with Seva in a room?! Why do I always have to be a loser?

The door after me immediately opened, this guy went out of the room and stopped me.

-Wait...just be careful, okay? You're not the first one living there. But you seem like a normal guy. By the way what's your name?

-Yan.-i responded rude and walked away. He's annoying.

-I'm Nick.-he lend me his hand. I shook it fast and made weird eye contact, seemed like he could see something about me.

Then I looked away and saw my new friends coming to me. Seva with Egor looked at each other then at Nick, soon at me.

-Uhm, Yan, are you going with us?-Seva asked.

-Yes, bye Nick.-with relief answered I and went away with friends.

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