Trans male felix x oswald

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Suggested by: Pastel_freak66

Felix's POV:
I was going on a school trip, it was a trip to the beach, I wore a top and some shorts, I was next to my best friend Oswald, who I may have a little crush on... OKAY I very big crush on, but I hide it well, like I do for my body.

I'm actually a female, but I've never felt like one, I've always felt like I was trapped in a body that didn't belong to me, it didn't feel right.

I was always a Tom boy, and rarely went to the girl options that's why people think I'm a boy, well so because of my short hair and body strength but probably most luckily because i don't have breasts, I still do but I wrap them so they can look like it don't, it's tight at first but you'll get use to it.

"Yo Felix did you hear what Cuphead said?" Oswald asked as I looked away from the window lifting my head from my hand, " sorry." I said, my voice has always sounded like a boy's so I didn't need to worry about that, "it's about football, apparently the goalie missed on purpose!" Oswald said, as I smiled, "wow, how... strange." I shrugged, though I was never Into football, "I know right?!" Oswald bendy and mug shouted, as I smiled, I was just thinking before they disturbed me was how I was going to get changed without anyone finding out the real gender I am.

'*sigh* I'll just have to tell the teacher.' I thought, "hey you alright feel?" Oswald asked, as I looked at him confused, "y..yeah why?" I asked, "well you haven't really spoken much to day?" Oswald said, "o..oh my throat is just really dry today.." I said giving him a closed eye smile as when I couldn't see, Oswald had a little blush spread to his face, "I have some cold water in my bag if you want some." Oswald said, as I smiled, "please." I nodded, Oswald then reached for his bag and gave me a full cold bottle of water I opened it, and drank half of it, "*gasp* mmm much better thank you Ozzy." I said as Oswald nodded, "keep it I have plenty." Oswald said as I nodded and thanked you again.

Once everyone was off the bus I stayed behind to talk to the teacher as everyone went to get dressed, "what is it felix?" Mrs flake asked (yes I made up the name) "umm I need to be in a separate changing room than the others." I said as Mrs flake rolled her eyes, "I get this from a lot of children you can't." She said, "no this is different." I said looking away, "what?" She asked softly as now she knew I wasn't messing around, "I'm trans gender and I don't want anyone knowing it." I said as Mrs flake froze (pun not intended) she then bent down to me, "okay c'mon follow me." She said leading me to the boys changing rooms, we stood next to it, "go in, and wait for the others to go, I'll wait here for you okay." She said as I nodded.

I went in and everyone went out nearly immediately, I smiled and started to get dressed.

Oswald's POV:
I was sitting with the boys but Felix was taking for ever, "hey guys I'm gonna go check on Felix, he's taking a while." I said getting up as everyone nodded, and I went off, I saw Mrs Flake talking to Mr Handinson, so I went in and what I saw I was not expecting, Felix room of his... I mean her top, and I saw breasts, "Felix.." I said as she turned around, "Oswald wait before you go and not be my friend anymore let me at least explain!" She shouted, "why would I not be your friend." I asked, "well that's what others did to me?" She asked tilting her head as I sat down, "well my actual name is Fiona, but I didn't feel complete in my female form, but when I turned myself into a male, I felt happy and free so I kept being a male." (plus being a female can be a bitch some times... sos)

"Well I'm happy for you Felix."I said hugging him, and without even thinking twice I kissed him, "looks like we will be gay now." I smirked as Felix gave me a small peck.

The end

(It is unbelievable of how much times I've updated today, and not only on this book)

(761 words)

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