1. Strange Place

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"How are you alive?"

'How am I alive? What kind of question is that?' My eyes adjusted a bit and was able to figure out that the person in front of me was a man.

"What do you mean, sir?" I asked groggily. A wave of pain hit my entire body, causing me to groan. "What the hell happened?"

"I'd like you to explain that to me. Unfortunately, it seems you're in too much pain to process much." The man sighed, "Tch, this is annoying."

The pressure on my back lifted, I guess from being picked up by the strange man. "Where... where are you taking me?" "To a medic. You can't answer shit in this state."

I nodded my head slightly before trying to snuggle up to the man. He was warm. And I'm tired. "Okay... goodnight Mr. Warm Man."


When I woke up, I was in a bed in a barely lit room. What alarmed me was the bars keeping in and the chains around my wrists.

"Huh? Where am I? What's going on? Let me go!" I shouted. I struggled against the chains. Not again. "Where are you, ya Crusty Dusty Bitch? Huh? This your new hideout after the pros destroyed your old one? It's almost as filthy as you!"

"Who else did you kidnap, Huh? Kacchan again? Or was it someone else? Izu? Or Todo-kun?" I relaxed after realizing I couldn't break the chains without using my quirk. 'Wait a minute. My quirk!'

Just as I was about to use my quirk, a voice spoke up. "About time she shut up. I was getting a headache." I snapped toward the man. He was leaning on the wall next to a blond sitting in a chair.

"Who the hell are you? Some of Shigaraki's lackeys?" I growled. "I wouldn't talk that way to someone who saved your life." The man with black hair spoke. "Sure, but you still haven't answered my question. Who. Are. You." I seethed, taking deep breaths to calm down.

"I'm surprised you don't know, but that's okay. I'm Commander Erwin Smith, and this is Captain Levi. Currently, you are in a holding cell." Blondie answered. 'That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before?' "Do you mind if we ask some questions?" Erwin asks. I shrug, "I guess. Can't promise I'll be able to answer all the questions though."

He nods. "First, How are you alive?" "Im not sure what you mean, Sir."

"I found you falling from the sky. You landed and when I took you to the medic, you only had a few bruises on your back." Levi explained. I sat there shocked. "That's not possible. I don't remember using my quirk, or falling at all. I'm sorry Sir, I can't explain that."

"Very well. Next, why are there crystals stuck on your shoulder blades?" Erwin continued. 'Shouldn't that be obvious?' "It's my quirk, Sir." I answered honestly.
"What exactly do you mean by 'quirk'?" Erwin questioned. "You... don't know what a quirk is? That's unusual." I commented.

"I'm afraid not. Could you please explain?" "Yeah. A quirk is a superpower that roughly 80% of the population possess. Each one unique but they can be similar to one another. There are 3 general types of quirks: Emitter, Transformation, and Mutant. Mine is a Transformation type. It's called glass wings."

I activated my quirk and angelic stained glass wings appeared. They reflected what little light there was and made the room a tiny bit brighter. "I can change what type of wings they are, they could be bat wings, dragon wings, feathered, you get the point." I discreetly let one feather fall behind me.

They stared in awe, one more expressive than the other. I disabled my quirk with the exception of that feather.

"Okay. Lastly, what's your name?"  "Call me Miu, Sir."

Erwin stood up and that was when I noticed how tall he was. Definitely taller than Levi. "Thank you for your cooperation. We'll take our leave now." And with that, they left. I waited a few minutes, think to myself. 'Wait a minute. Wait a god damn minute. Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman...' "God dammit! Am I really in SnK? This sucks!"

The guards outside my cell jumped. "Keep it down!" The one to the right hissed. 'So that's how it's gonna be, huh?' I flipped him off, "Could you please repeat that? I couldn't hear you with your head so far up your ass."

The one on the left snickered before getting a glare. The asshole on the right turned to me, "You don't have the space to talk, freak."

"I kinda do. From looking at you I assume the worst you could do is shoot me, which I could block with my wings. And the bullet wound stay lodged in my wings which I could show to your higher-ups — assuming I'm getting a trial or whatever— and say you shot without reason as I was docile and still chained up."

"Tch, whatever. Just keep it down." Mr. Asshole turned. After a couple minutes, they quietly talked to each other. With that distracting them, I grabbed the feather I left and used it to pick the lock. Wasn't an exact fit but beggars can't be choosers.

I rubbed my wrists after getting out of the cuffs. Now I'm able to sleep! I turn on my stomach and quickly fall asleep.


"Wakey Wakey!"

I groaned and turned around. "Hi Hanji."

"You know who I am? Cool!" I finally looked at the woman staring at me with fascination. I grunt before sitting up and stretching. "You got out of your cuffs? Why didn't you try to escape?" I looked at the brunette. "I assume we're underground, given the fact that there is no tiny window blocked by bars. Also, being cuffed brings back some bad memories." I explained.

"You seem to pay attention to detail. I like you!" The woman exclaimed. I huffed, "well, being kidnapped makes you pay attention to the little things. I can tell you that from experience."

I got out of bed and walked over to her, hold my hands out. I grimaced, "where's the cuffs? Let's get this over with." Hanji started loudly, "It's like you can see the future!"

"Well, sorta. Not exactly." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" Hanji asked. "Huh? Oh I said that's ridiculous. I wasn't born with two quirks like Shoto."

"By quirk you mean superpower, right?" Hanji questioned. I nodded. She cuffed my wrists and opened the cell door. I walked out.
"Can you tell me about quirks? What's it like in a community full of them? Oh! Are there any titans where you live?" The curious woman interrogated.

I sweatdropped. "Uh, no titans. The closest thing we have to a titan would be Mount Lady. She's a pro hero that protects civilians from villains— criminals. Each quirk is unique but can be extremely similar to other quirks." I paused.

"My friend Eiji, his quirk is hardening his skin like rock. My other friend, Tetsu, his quirk is hardening his skin like iron." "Fascinating." Hanji muttered. I noticed Mike on my other side sniffing me. "Hi Mike. How are you?"

He grunted. Finally, we made it to the door where my trial will be held. I took a deep breath before being forced in.

A/N: hey y'all! If there's anything wrong with the chapter like misspelled words or anything please let me me know and any criticism is welcomed! So how are y'all doing? How has school been? If you've started, that is. I don't get much motivation to write, and this is mainly a way to vent so I'm sorry if things are all over the place In the story. That it for now, have a great day/night!

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