Chapter 2

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"Hello." Jin smiled prettily as he sat down. The black haired man stared at him. Jin smiled and picked up the menu without paying attention to the man sitting in front of him. Jin called a waiter and ordered his food. The man stayed quite as Jin ordered. After the waiter went away Jin looked at him before drinking his wine.

They stayed silent until the waiter arrived with the food. Jin thanked him and began to eat. After he finished his food he wiped his mouth and took out his phone

"Kevin, yeah. I will be free by ten. Make the reservation at the hotel. When he arrives inform him that I will be late."

"You are meeting another person after this?" The man asked.

"Yup. I'm going to meet Kim Namjoon later. He's very handsome." Jin chuckled.

The man cocked his brow "Kim Namjoon? He is in your list of possible husbands?"

"There are total of six possible husbands for me. I'm going on dates with them." Jin said as he sipped his drink.

"So if you fail to get me you will have five options. Thats a nice plan."

"Who said I will fail?"

"You are confident that I will chose to marry you?"

"I'm confident that all six of you will marry me."

"You are in for poly relationship? What makes you think I or anyone of them will agree to marry you? Why would I live with all of them? Why would I share you?"

"I'm worth the trouble, Yoongi hyung."

Min Yoongi lip twitched as Jin called him informally but he ignored it.

"Hyung, I'm pretty. I'm beautiful. I have money. I'm giving the biggest mafia group to you. And I'm a good bottom." Jin winked.

Yoongi stared at him. Jin stood up and sat in his lap. He tugged at Yoongi's tie and leaned forward to whisper in his his ear "I am masochistic, for your information daddy" Jin smirked as he heard Yoongi suck in breath. He licked his ear "I'm sure we will fit well." Jin stood up. He looked at Yoongi

"I will be waiting for your call daddy." And turned towards the door


"Sorry, I'm late." Jin smiled at  Kim Namjoon who was sitting infront of him. He glanced a little, at the man who was standing next to Kim Namjoon. Kim Jungkook his younger brother, bodyguard and his right hand man. The both males looked at Jin, eyes scanning his body.

"You can order if you want, I already ate. I will only get a coffee." Jin said as the waiter approched them.

"Two coffees." Jungkook said, not letting the waiter near them. The waiter looked intimidated infront of the muscular man. He hurriedly nodded and left.

"Did your date go well with Min Yoongi?" Kim Namjoon asked.

Jin wasn't surprised that Namjoon knew about it. This man was intelligent and almost knew everything that was going in South Korea. He had planned two dates in one day because he was meeting with Namjoon, who, Jin knew was a true businessman and it wouldn't take him long to accept his offer. "Yup. He's really funny when he gets surprised." Jin chuckled as he remembered Yoongi's face.

"And you are still meeting me?"

"This man." Jin thought "likes to play huh? Think I would be surprised to know that you know I met Yoongi? Nope."

"Correction. I'm meeting you two." Jin said as he looked at both men.

They both looked surprised.

"You didn't say you were interested in my bodygaurd." Namjoon said.

"You don't know everything Namjoon." Jin thought.

"Of course I'm interested. Who can't be interested in those muscles." Jin licked his lips as he stared at Jungkook's muscled arms. Then he said, shocking both men "And let's not pretend that I don't know he's your little brother."

Jungkook suddenly pulled a gun out of his pants and pointed it at Jin. "How do you know that!? Who are you!?"

Jin wanted to laugh at the face they both made. It was really funny.

"Opps! Was I not supposed to know that?" Jin chuckled as Jungkook glared at him, gun pointed at his head. He ignored Jungkook and looked at Namjoon who was staring at him with interest. "What do you think now? Can't resist me right? I'm not as dumb as you think." Jin thought as he stared at him. Namjoon lightly smiled. "This date is a success." Jin thought

"JK. Put it down." Namjoon said, not looking at Jungkook. Jungkook gritted his teeth, staring at Jin who didn't seem to be surprised or scared. He put it down, eyes trained on Jin.

"That's confidential. How do you know about it?" Namjoon asked, looking at Jin.

"I have my ways. But that's not important. What's important is that when are we going to chose our wedding date!" Jin squealed happily.

"Who said Nanjoon is marrying you? Stop living in your own world, slut." Jungkook asked, voice filled with anger

"Watch your mouth. I'm no slut and I'm older then you. I'm not going to tolerate your behaviour for long, so better change it before I kick you in the place where the sun doesn't shine." Jin said, his voice suddenly hard.

"You think... ah!" Jungkook cried in surprise when he fell forward, grabbing his neck. He grabbed the table to hold himself up. He struggled, face full of pain. He tried looking at Jin, but he wasn't able to move much "What did...."

"Shut up before I kill you. I don't have much patience with bratty boys like you." Jin said. "I think I have tolerated you enough. Kids don't talk when elders are talking and they don't accuse someone without proof. Be thankful I didn't kill you."

Jungkook struggled to breathe, shaking as he tried to prevent himself from falling on the ground. He closed his eyes when he heard his hyung laughing lightly. Such a shameful thing, to be weak and at the mercy of a person like Jin who seemed little and fragile. Jungkook was mentally thanking that the restaurant was empty so other people didn't see his humilation.

He groaned when something was pulled out of his neck. He tried looking at Jin, who wasn't smiling. He watched as the man hid the needle inside his sleeves. He tried moving but he wasn't able to, instead it hurt a lot. He stopped trying when he heard Jin say "Stop moving. The effect will wear off in an hour."

Jungkook groaned in protest. He can't believe that he was going to stay in this kneeling position for an hour. He wanted to hide due to embarrassment when Namjoon laughed but this time he was fully laughing.

"It's embarrassing right JK?" Namjoon asked. Jungkook groaned. "But it's your own fault for not recognizing who you were messing with."

Namjoon turned to look at Jin and smiled "I hope you forgive my brother's attitude."

"It's fine. Anyway, so are you agreeing with it?" Jin asked.

"Yes. You can chose the date you want."

"I will message you when everything is ready. I must excuse myself now Namjoon. I'm quite busy tomorrow." Jin said.

Namjoon stood up. He pulled Jin closer and kissed him. Jin moaned and wrapped his hands around him. Namjoon deepened the kiss. Suddenly Jin pushed him back, smirking "It has to wait daddy."

Namjoon hummed, a grin appearing on his face "Can't wait to taste you baby."

Jin smiled, "Won't be too long daddy."

Namjoon let Jin go when they heard a groan. They looked at the kneeling person.

"Baby?" Namjoon said, voice full of laughter. Jin hummed. "Can you help my bodygaurd? I need him even though he is useless sometimes."

Jin laughed. He pulled out his phone and called Kevin and asked him to bring the medicine. His assistant arrived carrying a small glass containing a blue liquid. Jin took the glass and bended infront of Jungkook. He grabbed his chin and made him look up.

"Will you be a mannered boy next time hmm? Will you listen to me?" Jin asked sweetly.

Jungkook nodded, mouth trying to form words. Jin chuckled. He picked up the glass and drank the liquid. He kissed Jungkook, catching him off guard. Jungkook groaned as the soft lips touched his own. Suddenly he felt a liquid enter his mouth. Without thinking he drank it. Jin pulled back, smirking

"That's a good boy. You learned so quickly." Jin said.

Jungkook groaned when he heard the praise. It was humiliating. He watched helplessly as Jin patted his head and said "You will feel better in few minutes.".

Then Jin leaned forward and whispered in Jungkook's ear " I hope you still have abs when we are officially married. Keep yourself muscled. I must say I'm crazy for your arms. You will do it, right? You will be muscle pig for noona right?"

And Jungkook couldn't help but to nod his head and whimper..

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