Chapter 11

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Jin was walking back and forth, fidgeting with his fingers. He was in the suite room, getting ready for the wedding. He still had five hours left before the ceremony. He turned to look when the door opened revealing Kevin carrying his wedding suit.

"They are there right?" Jin asked Kevin about his to be husbands.

"Yes. They are also getting ready." Kevin answered, placing the suit on clothes rack.

Jin sighed, he had placed guards outside their rooms, in case anyone one of them tried running away. There was not chance of it but Jin was anxious. He just wanted to take every little precaution. Once he got married, they could do anything as long it was not bad for the mafia. They would have complete freedom. But not now. 

Kevin noticed Jin worrying. "Sir, it will be alright."

Jin smiled sadly, "I hope so."

He picked up his suit, 'I never thought I would be wearing this one day. Please, if there is anyone listening, don't ruin my day. I want this so much.'


Jin turned, straining his neck to see himself in the mirror. 'I look good. Not that bad.' He touched his earnings, light, single strand ones, falling down to his jaw. He eyes went to the red ring on his finger. It was standing out, just like he wanted. How ironic this was. Red representing sin and white representing purity. Both colors on a single man, warning and tempting others.

He looked at his reflection one more time before calling Kevin "Is it time?"

"Yes, Sir, they are waiting." Kevin opened the door. Jin walked out, towards the wedding hall. His heart thumping in his chest. He was going to walk down the aisle alone, no one to hold him, lead him. No father, no sibling, no mother. 

His breath hitched when he thought about his mother. He never knew her, never saw her or knew her name. He just knew that she existed because he was existing. Since the day he opened his eyes, she was never there. No one, not even his father mentioned her nor did anyone else. He often thought that she didn't even exist until he learned he can't be born without a female. He never asked anyone as he was isolated and everyone was scared of his father to talk to him. Kevin didn't know too.

"Is she even alive?" Jin muttered, not knowing he said it out loud.

"Sir?" Kevin asked.

Jin looked at Kevin who was walking behind him. "Nothing."

"Sir, don't worry. Everything will work out."

Jin stopped walking, taking Kevin's hands in his own "I'm fine. And thank you, for putting up with me for all those days."

"It was my pleasure and I'm ready to stay with you as long as I breathe."

Jin eyes filled with tears, but Kevin was quick to wipe them away. "No crying on your big day."

"What did I do to get you?"

"Everything. Now let's go. Can't have the groom being late to his own wedding." Kevin said, motioning Jin to start walking. Jin chuckled walking towards the wedding hall.

At last he was before the door. Behind this door was what he was afraid of, what he wanted to work out. He was going to make his dream come true, he was going to win and be free. This was just a step towards his dream. He took a big breath and pushed open the door.


All heads turned towards the figure walking in the hall. Their were surprised by the grace and elegance Jin carried himself, the white suit and red ring giving a dangerous and powerful aura to him. His face was another story, beautiful, fine like a greek statue. He looked like a living painting, beauty unparalleled.

They watched as Jin walked down the aisle, until he stood with the five lucky men. Yes, lucky. They were lucky to get him. Even though it was a contract marriage, they were still with Jin, the prince of korean mafia. That's what he was called by the people in the mafia circle.

Silence filled the hall when the grooms began to say their vows. The normal ones. But in the end instead of kissing, they signed the contract. After their ceremony they married couple moved towards the dining area, with people behind them.


Jin sat down in his chair and his husbands took the chairs too. He tapped his wine glass and it was filled by Kevin who was standing close by. He sipped it before putting it down with disgusted face.

"Is it not to your liking?" Hosoek asked, when he caught Jin's expression.

"Not so much." Jin answered before picking up his fork and started to eat. Jimin ordered the wine to be changed. 

"I did ask you about your preferences." Taehyung said, as he was in charge of food and drinks.

"Hhmm. But they changed today." Jin replied, staring at Taehyung.

Jimin glanced between them before sighing. He picked the steak piece he had cut and fed it to Jin. Jin smiled and said "More."

Jimin chuckled before feeding him. At every bite Jin would moan a little, not so innocently. The husbands were trying to ignore Jin, convincing themselves that he was just doing that because the food was delicious. But the way Jin licked his lips, looking at them one by one, it was sure that he wasn't just cleaning his lips from the sauce.

 Jin was smiling by the time they had finished their meal. He received a few growls and lustful gazes from his husbands.

"Behave Seokjin." Taehyung ordered, when Jin drank the red wine, smacking his lips in the end. His lips looking red and luscious.

Jin scoffed "I'm not doing anything. Just giving a glimpse of what's coming."

"Stop it or we wouldn't make it out of this place." Namjoon said, eyes dark.

Jin chuckled before licking his lips clean."Sure, daddy." Jin winked at them before standing up and excusing himself. They watched as Jin walked, sensually moving his hips. 

"That man, really is getting on my nerves." Taehyung muttered.

"He is just teasing." Hoseok said, giving Taehyung a strange look.

"And man, do I want to devour him right now," Namjoon groaned, trying to control his hard on.

Taehyung rolled his eyes before standing up, thinking 'these men are being controlled by that slutty man.'

"What's your problem?" Jimin asked, angry by the attitude Taehyung was showing.

"You let him control you. Feeding him? Getting turned on by his tricks? Are you guys men or his toys?"

They all glared at him, trying to control their anger as they didn't want to appear like they didn't get along. People will try to take advantage of them by using this.

"You aren't in the position to say that to us." Yoongi spoke, pointing towards Taehyung.

Taheyung frowned before he understood what he meant. He was hard and it was visible.


Jin was washing his hands when he heard the bathroom door open. He smirked without looking up."Couldn't wait?" Jin asks.

Jin looks in the mirror at Jungkook. The man had been outside the hall, keeping watch. As he was banned to enter where there were so many people. 

"It's getting too much, Seokjin. How long will I keep getting this punishment for?" Jungkook whined.

Jin corrected him "Noona, boy. Not Seokjin. And what punishment? I forgave you when you stayed quiet, sitting and watching while Namjoon ate me out"

Jungkook groaned "Noona, then why can't I get married with you like they did?"

"Silly boy." Jin shook his head, turning towards Jungkook "It's you. You are Namjoon's bodyguard and you and your brother didn't want to destroy that image. Don't you think it would look strange if I married Namjoon's bodyguard?"

Jungkook sighed. They did talk about this before. He had said that he would cover his face and no one would know it was him but Namjoon didn't agree and he couldn't go against him.

Jin cooed and hugged Jungkook. "It's ok. We will say our vows when we get home. And you know what?"

Jin grabbed Jungkook's face and whispered "You will be the first one to get me."

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he smiled. He grabbed Jin's waist and pulled him closer. He captured Jin's lips in a messy kiss. Jin lightly moaned and opened his mouth, letting Jungkook take control. It seemed a bad move, because Jungkook picked him and placed him on the sink. He parted his legs and stood in between.

"Jung-" Jin was shut up by Jungkook's mouth. He grabbed Jungkook's neck, pulling him close. It seems he was too hungry for Jin.

Jin bit Jungkook's lip hard, causing the younger to pull back. "Control yourself, boy. Don't ruin my makeup, it took me two hours." Jin tried pushing Jungkook but the hard chest wasn't moving. He blushed, getting wet just by feeling Jungkook's chest.

"Noona, I will come and get you when you reach home. I'm not listening to any excuse from you then."

"I will be prepared." Jin promised.

Jungkook backed away, giving Jin space as the elder stood up, looking into the mirror, checking himself. Then he smiled at Jungkook one last time and opened the bathroom door. 

He looked in the hallway, getting strange feeling. He walked in the direction of the hall, hearing some distant sounds as he walked. Were they cries and shouts?

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