Ch 1: The Perfect Proposal

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The second Ricky entered his condo, he wanted to faint.

Work had been soul sucking and dreadful everyday this week. He usually had a good experience while he was working since most people who come in were calm and respectful.

This week a group of unruly teens began coming in around the same time to act up and one of them knocked down a few of the skateboards on purpose.

Ricky nearly squared up with a 15 year old. Due to their consistent rowdiness, he ended up working overtime to fix any damage they caused.

Ricky walked in like a zombie and plummeted face front on the couch. Nini instantly knew something was up since he didn't even greet her. He never missed the opportunity to hold her since they've gotten together.

"Hey you."

He mumbled into the couch cushion.

"Had a rough day at work?"

He mumbled into the cushion again.

"Honey, you know I can't understand you right?"

He rolled over to his back. "I said I was exhausted and want to punch a wall."

She pulled out a bottle of her emergency wine and two glasses. "Wanna come over here and talk to me about it while I finish up dinner?"

He dragged his feet as he sat at the barstool. He poured the wine until it was almost full, and she rose a brow.

"Oh geez, was your day that bad?"

"These fucking kids are aging me Neens."

"Ohhh those teens are still bothering you?"

"Yes, and don't be shocked if I end up calling you from some precinct because I punched one of those little fuckers."

She chuckled even though she knew he wasn't kidding. "Want me to scare them off for you? I'm pretty sure I can call up EJ and a few of his pals to come scare them away or something."

"Nah, I don't wanna bother them. This is my problem. I feel like those kids have a personal vendetta with Red and I for some reason, but thank you for being so sweet."

The sound of the oven going off got her attention. She took out the tray and placed it in front of him. He smiled when he saw what she made.

"We're having dino nuggets for dinner?"

"But wait, there's more." She pulls out a bag of BBQ chips.

"And Lays chips."


"So we're eating like middle schoolers at a classroom party today?"

"Not entirely; that's why I bought the wine I saw on sale at Walmart."

"Ah yes an elite and nutritious meal: cheap wine, stale chips, and dino nuggets. You spoil me babe."

She smiled and walked around the counter to give him a kiss. "You know it."

He never thought he'd like this combo together so much, but it ends up being the best damn meal he's had all week. He wasn't sure if that was the half cup of wine talking or his weird ass taste buds.

When they finish a fourth of the bottle of white wine, semi tipsy Nini had began playing "Don't Go Breaking My Heart" on their smart tv. He watched in amusement as she gyrated in the living room and slurred the lyrics.

She began pointing and singing towards him and danced as she made her way to his seat. She pulled him from his spot, and he brought the bottle along with him. She dragged him to the living room and made him dance with her.

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