Ch 3: Panic! at the chape!

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The picture is what the reception is overall supposed to look like.


Five minutes.

That's the time she had left to be ready to walk down the aisle.

Twenty minutes.

That's the last few minutes of her life that she'll ever refer to herself as Nini Salazar-Roberts.

And she was freaking out.

She was staring into the bathroom mirror trying to calm herself down while the bridesmaids all scurried around the other room trying to make sure they looked perfect.

She wasn't sure exactly why she was feeling super anxious right now. She doesn't even recall being this on edge at her first wedding. Matter of fact, everyone was shocked at how calm she was when she was in the dressing room. But right now, she was a total mess.

She held onto the sides of the sink and felt a little wave of nausea come over her. She quickly ran to the toilet careful not to mess up her dress or makeup. When she was done, she freshened up and took a few breath mints.

She sighed knowing exactly why she felt a little icky. Her stomach couldn't really be seen through the dress however she already knew that she'd have to face the music very soon.

She eyed the stick from all those months ago in her purse. She still hasn't dared to look at it, and at this point she didn't know if she ever would. It's not like she really needed to. A knock came at the door breaking her from her trance.

Gina pokes her head in. "Hey, are you ready? The wedding planner said we had to line up in a minute."

"Yeah I'll be out in just a second."

Gina nodded and left her. Nini gave herself a look over in the mirror. She can do this. She was finally gonna marry the love of her life.

"Places everyone!" She overhears the wedding planner say. Nini fixes up her dress one more time before following after the other women. They all look at her with excited faces, and she paints a smile on her face to hide all of the anxiety she was feeling.

"I can't believe you're about to be Nina Bowen! How does it feel?" Ashlyn asks as she nudges her arm.

"Honestly, it feels like a dream."

Ashlyn squeals as she goes to her position beside Big Red. No one else bothered her as they spoke amongst themselves waiting for the wedding planner to direct them. Nini stood still blankly staring down at the floor contemplating everything.

She felt so silly for even feeling nervous when she knew he was everything she ever wanted. He was her soulmate through and through. Her best friend. An amazing lover. The reason she's been smiling from ear to ear for the past two years. He was her other half, and she knew she wanted to marry him. So why the fuck did she feel like she wanted to explode?

The wedding planner snaps her fingers catching everyone's attention. "Alright it's time for the wedding party to start walking!"

Nini took a deep breath. It's just wedding jitters. Everyone gets them, and there's nothing to worry about at all. She watched as Big Red and Ashlyn enter the doors with rosy faces and perky smiles. Then Gina walked with EJ giggling as they walk in with locked arms.

Carlos and Seb strutted in, and Seb had to remind Carlos to not outshine Nini with his entrance since it wasn't about him.

She watched as her little cousins happily skipped as they threw flower petals. She can overhear her relatives and friends awe at the cute little girls.

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