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"Is all of this giving you guys any ideas?" Blake looked towards Roman and Diana, as there were at Mia and Sebastian's wedding reception.

Once the ceremony was over, all the guests were led to the massive ballroom that the newly-wed couple had hired for the night. It was one that looked like it belonged in the 18th Century, the grand size of it, along with the champagne-coloured interior. Of course, it also had a large area for the dance floor.

The best part of it all, however, was the the dessert bar.

Mia had actually listened to Blake's idea. There was an entire area catered for it, with variety of ice-cream flavours and so many more toppings. Mia had really stepped it up for him and Blake just knew how much Sebastian must've hated the idea - which just made it all the more better.

"We're not getting married," Roman stated.

Blake ate a spoon of his vanilla ice-cream, topped with rainbow sprinkles, bananas and brownie pieces.

"Well, not right now. But in the future?" He asked.

Both Roman and Diana looked to one another, and then shook their heads.

"Not really," Roman replied.

"We don't really plan on ever getting married," Diana then added.

Blake looked between the two in surprise. This wasn't really the answer he expected from either one of them.

This was probably sexist of him to think so, but he had assumed Diana would want that whole fairytale wedding dream. Although she'd never been much of a 'typical' girl before, but he thought that was one aspect she'd want.

"Seriously?" He then asked the couple again.

"I never really visioned all of this in my future," Diana said, gesturing around her. "Although this is all so beautiful, I have Roman and we're really happy, I don't see what a wedding will do to change all of that," she explained.

Whilst growing up, Diana did think about the whole wedding thing, since it was everywhere. Not including her family, but in movies, shows and books. However, as she grew older, she didn't really think much about it.

Growing up, she'd seen people who stayed in their marriage for the wrong reasons, mostly because they felt that now they were tied to this person and there was no escape for them now. It was a sad and scary thought, one that Diana never wanted to experience for herself.

She knew that Roman loved her a lot and he'd never be like that, he'd never clip her wings, restrict her or mistreat her in any way. However, she valued her freedom. Her independence. All that she'd done, her hard work, it was hers and part of her identity. For Diana, being married became a representation of letting go of all of that, something that she didn't want.

Diana was worried if Roman would resent her or want to break up with her, because her stance on marriage. However, he did none of that. Instead, he didn't really mind if they got married or not. He'd been into her since university and would rather have any opportunity to be with her. They didn't need to share a last name for that.

Blake saw Roman smiling fondly at Diana, and quirked up a brow at him.

"And you don't care?" He asked Roman, before eating another scoop of his delicious ice-cream.

"Not really, no." Roman shook his head. "I have Diana in my life and that's all I'll ever want. I don't need a piece of paper to validate it or anything."

Together, Diana and him had purchased a house together which just seemed more of a milestone to them as a couple, than a wedding would have been. He'd never really been much of a religious person, neither were his family, so he hadn't really been pressured into marriage. Diana's family were quite religious, however there was no way they would ever be able to pressure her into anything she didn't want.

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