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"Hey Ray, can you get me something when you go to the store?" Gerard asked, frowning at his Wii remote

Ray grabbed his wallet and his keys. "Sure, I'm on my way right now. What do you need?"


"Okay. Double A right?" Ray asked, receiving a nod from Gerard in return. When Ray left, he didn't lock the front door, knowing Mikey would be home soon enough.

"Which store is the closest to here..." Ray mumbled to himself as he started the car.

He soon arrived at Walmart and parked his car as close to the entrance as possible. He didn't need to buy much, so grabbed a basket from by the entrance instead of a cart.

Okay let's see, what all am I here for? Milk, mac and cheese, and batteries,he thought as he walked through the store. First he got the milk, then the mac and cheese, then the batteries.

Unfortunately, Ray didn't have enough money to buy all three items. I guess I'll just tell Gerard I couldn't buy the batteries... unless...

Once no one was nearby, Ray dug his fingernail into the back of the cardboard package. He took out as many of the batteries as he could hide in the palm of his hand.

After Ray had payed for the milk and macaroni, he started towards the store exit. It seemed like he would successfully escape with the batteries!

"Hold it right there young man!" a female voice boomed from behind him.

Ray froze for a moment, unsure if they had noticed he was stealing the batteries or not.

"Can I see your receipt?" the woman asked. Ray pulled out the receipt from his wallet and handed it to her. "Just what I thought," she said, "you were trying to steal those batteries."

Ray sighed. "Yeah you're right... Too bad you'll never catch us!" He dashed straight out the door. The Walmart employee ran after him, but the parking lot was too busy for her to keep track of Ray.

Ray was relieved he had escaped, but he felt bad for stealing. He set his groceries on the passenger's seat, started up the car, then drove home.


Ray handed all the batteries except for one to Gerard. "Here you go Gee. Sorry there's not very many. I, uh, couldn't afford a big pack." It's not technically a lie.

"Thanks Ray!" Gerard exclaimed. "Do you want to play something?"

"No thanks. I'm going to go relax in my room for a bit," Ray declined the offer.

"Okay and thanks again."

Ray stepped into his room at the end of the hall and shut the door behind him. He set the battery onto his bed. "Now that we're alone..."

(A/N) I'm sorry I can't write anymore. If I did, this would turn into some messed up milk fic stuff. Whatever Ray would do next is up to your imagination. I might make a part two but idk,,, we'll see.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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Ray Toro x Walmart BatteriesWhere stories live. Discover now