Spinning Wheel

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[Meanwhile, in the woods, the fairies, and Nya, with her head down, walk cautiously towards the castle. Kai checks that the coast is clear and motions his brothers and Nya to continue. They sneak along the castle grounds unnoticed and open a door that leads to a staircase. They get inside and walk up the stairs until they come to one of the castle's hallways.]

Kai: Come along, now. [They side-step against a castle wall and come to a private room at last.] All right, in here, dear. [Zane closes the door and sighs.] Bolt the door, Zane! Lloyd, pull the drapes! [Zane and Lloyd do so as told.] And now, dear, if you'll just sit here. This one last gift, dear child for thee, the symbol of thy royalty. A crown to wear in grace and beauty, as is thy right, and royal duty.

[The fairies set the crown on her head. Nya again breaks into tears.]

Lloyd: Now, dear.

Kai: Come, let her have a few moments alone.

[They leave the room.]

Zane: It's that boy she met.

Lloyd: Whatever are we going to do?

[Inside the room, the fire goes out, and out of a shadow, Clouse shortly appears. Then, there's only a ball of light visible. Nya gets up in a spell, and starts towards the light, seemingly calling her name. Meanwhile, the fairies are talking about Nya's encounter with Prince Jay.]

Zane: (complaining) I don't see why she has to marry any old prince.

Lloyd: Now, that's not for us to decide, bud.

[Inside, the mysterious light moves beyond the fireplace, where the wall opens.]

Lloyd: Maybe we should tell King Ray about the boy.

Zane: Well, why don't we?

[they hear a faint sound from inside the room]

Kai: Listen! Clouse!

Fairies: Aya, Aya! [they open the door]

Kai: Oh, why did we leave her alone?

Fairies: Aya, Aya!

[The fairies see Nya walking through the fireplace, but the wall reappears. Nya slowly walks up a staircase, following the light. The fairies try pushing the wall open, then Kai uses his magic.]

Fairies: Aya, Aya! Where are you? Aya!

[There are multiple ways going off the fireplace. The fairies don't find the right way at once]

Fairies: Aya!

[Nya follows the light into a room in the tower, where the light turns into a spinning wheel. Nya starts to reach towards it with her left hand]

Fairies: Aya! Don't touch anything!

[Nya holds back. Without seeing him, we hear Clouse saying.]

Clouse: (offscreen, sinisterly) Touch the spindle. Touch it, I say!

[In a flash of light, Nya touches the spindle with the middle finger. Just this moment, the fairies appear in the door and see Clouse standing there.]

Fairies: (gasping)

Clouse: You poor, simple fools. Thinking you could defeat me! Me, the paramour of all evil! Well, here's your precious princess!

[Clouse turns beside, revealing Nya laying face-down on the floor. Clouse disappears, laughing triumphantly evil.]

Lloyd: Aya!

Kai: Oh, Aya! Oh, I'll never forgive myself.

Lloyd: We're all to blame!

[They start crying over Nyas motionless body. The camera turns to the window, where the last rays of the setting sun shine in deep red.]

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