Rescue Mission

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[Through the fog, Clouse's castle stands solitary, as the fairies reach the castle and cautiously approach it. They stop when they see a goon coming and hide behind a chain anchor. The goon approaches the entrance and leaves. Once he is out of sight, the fairies shrink themselves and fly through a chain housing. There, they avoid two goon guards and fly straight into a courtyard of stone gargoyles and column head decorations of grotesque looking human and demon faces. The fairies retreat to a perch and let out a sigh of relief. They hear shrieking noises nearby and see flames from inside a window. They fly to the window and look inside the hall, where Clouse is having a feast, with his minions dancing around a huge bonfire.]

Clouse: [talking to Cole] What a pity Prince Jay can't be here to enjoy the celebration. Come, we must go to the dungeon and cheer him up. [walks toward the dungeon with Cole, while the fairies follow him. He talks to Jay, who sits chained to the wall, head down.] Oh, come now, Prince Jay. Why so melancholy? A wondrous future lies before you; you, the destined hero of a charming fairy tale come true.

[The fairies appear in the window of the dungeon. Clouse uses his magic staff to depict the following. Cole stands behind him, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.]

Clouse: Behold, King Ray's castle, and in yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the princess Nya. But see the gracious whim of fate. Why, 'tis the self same peasant maid, who won the heart of our noble prince but yesterday. She is indeed most wondrous fair. Black of coal dust in her hair, lips that shame the red, red rose. In ageless sleep she finds repose. The years roll by, but a hundred years to a steadfast heart are 'bout a day. And now, the gates of the dungeon part, and the prince is free to go his way. Off he rides on his noble steed...

[In Clouse's imagery, the prince is shown to be old, anything but what he's telling. His voice drips with sarcasm.]

Clouse: ... a valiant figure, straight and tall, to wake his love with love's first kiss, and prove that true love conquers all. [Jay struggles in his chains. Zane starts towards Clouse in anger.]

Zane: Why, you mean... [Zane is pulled back by Kai. Cole has noticed Zane speaking and turns towards the window, but he doesn't see the hidden faries.]

Clouse: Come, my servant. Let us leave our noble prince with these happy thoughts. [at the door] A most gratifying day. [outside the dungeon, he locks the door] For the first time in sixteen years I shall sleep well.

[The fairies approach Jay]

Kai: Shh, no time to explain.

[using their magic, they open Jay's chains and the door lock]

Kai: Wait, Prince Jay. The road to true love may be barriered by still many more dangers, which you alone will have to face. So, arm thyself with this Enchanted Shield of Virtue and this Mighty Sword of Truth. For these weapons of righteousness will triumph over evil.

[Just outside the dungeon, Cole waits and calls out an order. The fairies and Jay start upwards the stairs. Cole has called Clouse's servants, which come streaming downstairs. Jay fights some of them, but then they jump out a window. Some rocks are dropped towards Jay.]

Kai: Jay, watch out!

[Kai turns the rocks into soap-bubbles. A wall of arrows is shot but quickly turned into flying flowers. Zane frees Wisp. Phillip rides off on Wisp towards the gate, where hot oil is thrown. Kai turns it into a rainbow. Cole - now a raven-  flies towards Clouse's tower, trying to wake him. He is followed by Zane, who first fails to hit him with his magic. At last, he turns him into a stone raven just outside Clouse's door. Clouse appears in the door]

Clouse: Silence! [to his raven] You, tell those fools to... [notices that he is now of stone] No! [sees Jay escaping] No!

[the drawbridge is raised]

Kai: Watch out, Jay!

[Wisp just makes it over the gap, as Clouse climbs the tower and sees them charging away from him toward Ray's castle]

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