As the sun went down, the fire became bright and vivid, as though someone has shown a spot light on it. The heat from the campfire seem to be sucked into frigid air before ever reaching their frozen hands. It was mesmerising to watch, colours of orange and red gave away the yellow and white near the centre, where the emanating heat was greatest. The manual had called for a camfire, som singing & storytelling and some sipping their Chai, But 'YAARON KA KAFILAH'(YKK) and 'DILBAR GANG' were busy collecting their thoughts.. "Where on the Earth are my squishy babies?" RAIB screamed from top of his lungs.
ZAMZAM who was brushing his fingers lazily yet mesmerisingly over his first love, His Guitar asked "Who? What Raib?"
Continued by HARII with a confusion written all over his face asked "Are you Drunk? And what are you talking about?"
"No I'm not drunk, I still didn't had my Chai' cause I didn't have my Halal Marshmallows and that's what I'm talking about!!" answered angry Raib.