the soul burner fight's

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Okay everyone hope that all of you are ready for takeru fights. Now the person who is going to be shafted is hatsume since I think she can still do her bit even if she isn't there. Now for my question of the day and that is if you had to fight one person from class 1a who would it be and why? For me I'm a pacifist but if I wasn't I would say I stand a good chance against aero since all he has is tape. Anyway let's see what takeru can do.

Takeru POV

I was in the medical bay looking at yusaku and y/n who were lying in hospital beds with there injury's healed but due to how serious it is they need to rest up. We were watching a fight between denki and ibara and it was over since stun gun fried his brain out.

Y/n:"guess that one won't bee too hard for you too beat takeru."

I nodded and got up off of my seat since my fight would be next and I hoped that mom would be watching us on y/n I pad. As I'm walking forward I also wondered what mom thinks of shoto now. Y/n had done a good job of weakening yusaku for me since I don't think he will be able to fight me all out in our battle but right now I was going to face tenya. As I'm getting closer to the arena I was thinking of way to beat tenya since he is mostly a speed based quirk which shoto could deal with easily thanks to his ice. Once I was at the entrance of the arena I waited for midnight to tell us to go in. After y/n and yusaku fight about half of the arena was destroyed thanks to y/n acid doing most of the damage. Thankfully after a few minutes and cementoss quirk everything was brought back to normal.

Midnight:"now for the next fight please welcome our next combatants tenya Iida and takeru Todoroki!!"

I then walked into the arena with the cheers of the crowds. I had eaten a little extra food so incase this guy tried something he didn't when me, y/n, and yusaku last fought him. As I'm walking up the steps of the fighting area I noticed that tenya was wearing a jet pack thing? (I literally thought it was a jet pack when I first saw it)

Nemuri:"is that a full array of support items on you Iida!? As a general rule, heroics kids are prohibited to use any though?"

Tenya looked confused by this so I though I better explain the rules betted.

Takeru:"you need to apply for permission beforehand in cases where it might be an obstacle without it."

Tenya then began to bow rapidly.

Tenya:"I'm afraid I forgot!! Since Aoyama has his belt equipped, I thought it was okay...!"

Takeru:"honestly I'm not too bothered if he wears it A jet pack. So if he wants to wear it then I'm cool with that."

Nemuri looked a little confused since I'm guessing this is the first time this has happened.

Shota:"well, if they're both of the same mind on the matter, then... It's not outside the realm of permissibly.... I suppose?"

Nemuri nodded and I looked back at tenya who was getting ready to run towards me but we were just waiting nemuri to give us the go ahead.


Tenya then began to run forward and from memory I think he has gotten faster since his last speed. As he was getting closer to me he did not seem to be slowing down in fact I don't think he know how to use that strange jet pack thing that might just be giving his boost.

???:"that acceleration, it's fantastic isn't it, tenya!!?"

Takeru thought:"who is this?"

???:"I trust your legs feel lighter to lift that normal!? Well I'll tell you why!! It's because those leg parts are designed to follow in line with the motions of their lucky wielder!"

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