training day

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Okay everybody here it is the chapter that all of you have been waiting for, which will be as it says with roxx training our three smart cookies. Now for my question of the day and that is who's quirk is better y/n or roxx, (I'll ask at the end.) Now with this all said and done let's get on with this story.


All of us looked at this pirate like man who had a huge creepy smile on his face.

Roxx:"well let's head to the roof, I want to see you three in action!"

The man then walked back up the stairs, walking over William body which wasn't moving.

Y/n:"is he okay?"

Roxx looked back at William.

Roxx:"he'll be fine, it's not the first time he has been thrown down stairs. WILLIAM!!! Get your ass up!"

Then the man got up off of the ground like it was nothing, what kind of workplace is this? We all walked up the stairs to the second floor of this building and it had desks and computers, there was also a tin that I could tell there was cookies were in. There was also another person up there with white hair and black horns on the side of the head, his arms looked like wings with red diamond shaped stuff on the back of those.arms, his scarf looked like his hands. The outfit he wore was... Revealing, is he related to mom

 Revealing, is he related to mom

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Don't own and guess the quirk.

???:"hello roxx, you going to give them there trial by fire?"

Roxx:"yes I am chimon, you coming to watch?"

The man who's name is chimon nodded.

Chimon:"boss giving me time off work how could I refuse."

I then noticed that there was empty bottles of alcohol all over the place, I'm starting to realise why this guy is the worst hero in Japan. When we did get to the ceiling of the building roxx ran to one end while his sidekicks sat down to watch this.

Roxx:"okay young lads here are the rules, you have to try and hit me before I kick you arses, sound good."

This man really did seem confident that he could beat us before we would be able to hit him.

Yusaku:"that's very cocky of you."

Roxx:"yeah and when we fight you'll see why I am this cocky."

Me and my friends looked at eachother then nodded, we looked back at roxx who was stretching.

Y/n:"number thirty nine utopia!"

Taker:"salamangreat heatleo!"

Yusaku:"decode talker!"

Roxx POV

I watched as the three boys began to turn into there monster forms, I had seen yusaku and y/n forms but takeru new one was something I wanted to see. His body like all the other times turn more robotic as his hands looked like mouthes, while fire shot out around his head which looked like a lion's main, fire also shot out of his elbow as the metallic lion humanoid was two and a half times bigger than the boys were before.

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