Chapter One- The 'Date'

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"Hey Maxie!" Archie had yelled at his good friend who was close to passing out on the red couch in his office.

"Hmnn..?" Maxie said sitting up from his couch to face Archie.

"Aw, little sweater nerd here looks a bit sleep deprived!" Archie teased

"H-how did you get inside Team Magma's headquarters!?" Maxie was startled. There were grunts everywhere who had believed they were still mortal enemies.

"Bwahaha! I used the back door." He chuckled. His face suddenly went still after he finished laughing. "I was wondering something."

Maxie adjusted his glasses and sat up. "Well go on then. Can't you see I have work to get done?"

Archie gave Maxie a slight frown. "Would you like to go to that new restaurant that opened up, after you get off work, with me?" He asked."

"Hm.." Maxie thought for a moment. His friend did seem upset about something. He started to feel an unusual pounding in his chest. "Alright I'll come."

Archie's usual grin had returned. "That's great! I'll see you at seven!" He yelled and began walking towards the door.

Suddenly at that moment Team Magma's Chief Admin Tabitha walks in with some paperworks and stares up the large bearded man.

"Hng.. L-leader Maxie would you like me to take care of this intruder that has found his way into our secret headquarters?" Tabitha said with a snarl.

Maxie sighed. "No Tabitha. He was just informing me about something. Leave my office. I have work to get done." He ordered.

Tabitha quickly walked out without another word. Archie stepped out but not before winking back at Maxie and pranced out.

Maxie sighed. He did have feelings for Archie and he was a bit embarrassed by Tabitha disturbing them.

Maxie and Archie go way back. They were good friends until around high school and colledge they started to drift from each other. Archie became more careless about most things but still managed to get an education and form a not so formal team. Maxie had spent more time studying and was focused on other things than social interaction with others which made him for a very well formal team.

 It was about 7:00PM by the time Maxie had finished work. He got up from his desk and stepped out of his office.

"Goodbye sir. See you tomorrow." Maxie heard Tabitha say to him as he began to leave the hideout. Maxie gave him back a simple wave.

Maxie left the hideout and was back at Lilycove. The streets were quiet but the buildings had lights shining within them. Maxie headed for the new resturant Archie had told him about.

They were both in luck. First of all, the police always leave them off with a warning or they take part in some sort of community service. Second, there appeared to be a new office at the front of the resturant on what seemed to be a night watch.

"Stop." Said the officer a little shyly to Archie who was on the other side of the street. Maxie could barley seem him since he looked like he came out of a dark alley way.

Maxie turned to see what was going on. Archie raised his hands and slowly stepped towards the officer who looked like he was about to grab his gun. "Are you from Team Rocket?" The Officer asked.

"N-no!" Archie said and the Officer calmed down a little. Apparently Team Rocket was planning something bad. Archie walked passed the Officer over to Maxie.

Maxie calmly walked into the resturant with Archie close behind. Archie scooted up in front of Maxie to the man in a nice suit. "Is this a table for two?" The man asked. "Yes." Replied Archie and the waiter took them over to a table to sit down at handing them a couple menus. 

"May I get you two anything to drink?" Asked the waiter. "I'll have a water." Said Archie. "I'd like tea, please." Maxie said. The waiter wrote their orders down and walked into the kitchen area.

Maxie looked at his menu. Nothing seemed all that appetizing to him. Archie was looking at his. He wasn't sure if he wanted the fried Magikarp or chicken nuggets with mac and cheese. Archie looked up at Maxie. "What are you going to get?" Asked Archie. Maxie silently stared at the menu. Soon he found what sounded good. "I guess the Lasagna?" Maxie said.

The waiter came out with a glass of water and tea and brought it over to them. "Are you two ready to order?" Asked the waiter. Archie told him. "I'll taked the Chicken Nuggets with Mac and Cheese. And he will have Lasagna."

Maxie was sitting silently thinking to himself. "Is this it? Is he going to do all of the talking this whole time for me? Why did I even come.."

The waiter walked off into the kitchen once more. Archie looked at Maxie again. "So I was thinking after we ate dinner we could go to my place and watch a movie?" Archie asked. Maxie stared at him showing no expression but annoyence so Archie wouldn't try to warm up to him. "I have no interest in going to your house." Maxie replied.

Archie frowned a little. He started to loose confidence in telling Maxie how he felt about him. Soon the waiter came out with their food and set it on their table and dissapeared back into the kitchen. Maxie ate silently.

"Y'know, Max.. I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now.." Archie started. "I feel like we are good friends, you and I, and I want our relationship to turn into more than just friends.." Archie said. "Like best friends?" Maxie said. Archie was quiet for a moment. "N-no. I mean more than that." Archie said feeling like Maxie was about to reject him and leave. Maxie was silent and finished his food.

Maxie was thinking to himself again. "Maybe I should say yes. I can't stand to say I love that man but I do. But no one supports gays. I guess I should be honest anyways."

"Alright." Maxie said. A smile lit up on Archie's face "I thought you were going to reject me..". Maxie got up from the table leaving $30 on the table including a tip for Archie to pay to the waiter with and left.

Archie was kind of filled with saddness after he left. Maxie walked home. He changed into some pajamas and laid in his bed. He started to text Archie which he never thought he would do.

"Hello, Archie."

"Max! Why did you leave me?"

"I finished my food and I was tired."

"You could have just came to my house. I have a bed y'know?"

"Goodnight, Archie. Sleep well."

Maxie turned his phone off and rolled up in his blanket. He drifted off into a light sleep.

[ Authors Note: So what do you think of the first Chapter? Sorry if you find it short. Should be updated soon! Thank you for reading. ]

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