For You See

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You appeared one day into my life, your smile captured my heart and your eyes captured my soul. Silk brunette hair fell across the warmth of your golden honey brown eyes. My soul burned, with desired. Frozen, in what seemed a dream. Secrets flowed from your poise, drawing me ever closer as your essence whispered passion into my yearning ear. Clawing the core of my guarded heart. How did I arrive at this acquired state? I Ravished in your innocence as you walked into my life. To be found jealous of how the cloth laid upon you. Why was it allowed to embrace you in every way I yearned to? Such desire made words puddle up in my mouth. I thought, I dared, never speak of how I felt that first moment we meet. Fear that you would vanish, just how you appeared. What I felt was a true inability to put thought to word. However, I can't help but say there is something to say about the inability to say nothing at all. Such seems to need no definition... but rather flow its path. Thus, live a plotted course untraveled. Not defined. Bound. Suppressed by our past. What can become when you don't hold back?
In this moment, a gaze in another's eyes, another drawn to our lips, no hesitation, as drawn by force. Passion pressed and lustfully locked, our hearts become one. A moment I recall, caught in your first kiss. Forever to only be yearned for every moment you're not here. This I swear; my lips are yours only, and without yours I have none. For I could spend a lifetime absorbing your essence. To learn what you like and what you don't just to commit it to memory, so I won't ever have to second guess myself when I do something for you. I always knew that you would come find me someday, but never did I know that it would be you who was headed my way. Caught me off guard and took me by surprise. But you simply captivated me, the same way you do when I look into your eyes. It's true that every good and perfect gift is from above. You were presented to me as a beautifully packaged gift full of humor, sarcasm, talent, intelligence, beauty and love. "It isn't finding the perfect person but learning to see an imperfect person perfectly "We all have our flaws but when I view you through my eyes, perfection is all I see. From when you laugh to when you're upset, I still crave the little things you do. Especially the moments you let go of all control. For what is life, if is to be expected? If what is supposed is written or course, are we truly living? Or are we truly alive when we free ourselves from ordinary. It is when we are furthest from are path, heart open, beating from our chest, that then, we find our self. In truth we must be lost before we became free.

Coming into this has been hard at times but we find ourselves through. For the only things worth having are those we have fought for. I know as long as we're on this journey together, there's nothing that we can't do. Sometimes, I wonder if what we're building is too good to be true. I was scared to have my heart broken. Scared of the thought of losing you. It wasn't till the end, amongst the settled dust; that I learned to trust in the author, prefecture of what I believe, "Where your treasure is, your heart will be" is how the saying goes. I may not know what tomorrow may bring, for fate is the only one who knows. What I've known in my past, doesn't come close to the experience I've shared with you. It will no longer rule what is to become. I could never ask for anything more, belief made everything beautiful, precious and new. Just as beautiful and precious as the day will be, the day you and I said I love you.
To you, I write this letter of uncertainty and with hope. My time with you was valued, treasured, cherished. To explain:
Unimaginable sensation free of limitations,
For a heart with no walls
No more than to say as I feel
When that of what I feel is unknown,
Merely Vulnerable to pain endured that of torture.
For thus a chance I must take,
For my odds that dawn upon me,
As the warnings you gave should of drove.
Yet here, in the moment,
Thou moments you thrust,
I find inside a heart,
Full, Inviting and divine
Not sure how or what may disentangle.
Only to find myself unable to surrender.
It is done my heart no longer mine,
Do as you such,
Think of nothing but what you must
For all thus never forgotten
Will be all you yearn.
​Our moments forever etched in our minds, not to be forgotten but remembered for which they are, why this could still be. The only impossibile is the word itself. For within it is "I'm Possible".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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