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I walked up the steps to Stone High School.

I hated this place with a passion but what else am I supposed to do? I made my way to my locker and put in my combination. Today is the first day back from winter break and let's just say I'm not the happiest today. I stayed up all night trying to do the homework for Mr. Crawley. He's the math teacher and I'm not exactly passing his class.

I walk into the library an take my seat at my normal table for study hall. I pull out my phone and check twitter and Instagram. I don't really like social media but I try to keep up. I pull out my headphones and listen to some music. I pull out my notebook and a pencil, might as well do something.

I started writing and drawing random things. I heard the door squeak and looked up for a second, it was just Hemmings, the math nerd. I don't really like how he's labeled but I can't change that. He pushes up his glasses and looks around, I see him walk towards an empty table and pull out a textbook. I sit watching him as he gets out a pen and write notes. I noticed when he was focusing he'd put the end of the pen between his lips.

Hemmings has been in classes with me since 8th grade when he moved here from Australia I believe. He was in advanced math so people automatically pegged him as a nerd. I've only talked to him when we were assigned a two-day parter project in Mrs. Ellis for English. He seemed average but I don't know him well enough.

I was so deep in thought I forgot I was staring until the bell rang to dismiss us to our next class. I packed and got up to leave, but stopped when I heard someone cuss next to me. I turned and saw Luke shaking a few papers. I walked over to him.

"what happened Luke?" I questioned while he looked up.

"oh, um I accidentally s-spilt some water on m-my notes." He stuttered out.

"here, I'll help you and we can get passes from the librarian." I started to move some papers so they wouldn't get stuck together.

"I don't w-want you to be l-late." Luke replied while moving papers too.

"I'm helping you and it's fine Mrs. Ellis will understand." Luke finally stopped and we silently dried off his notes. Once they were fine he packed up and we walked over to the librarian.

"Good morning Mrs. Benard, could we get passes because we had to clean up a mess we accidentally made over there." I politely asked her.

"oh sure hun, and thank you for cleaning it up and not leaving it like others would." She wrote two passes.

"It was no problem Mrs. Benard, have a nice day though I'll see you tomorrow." she said goodbye and we left. I handed Luke a pass as we walked through the silent halls to English. We walked into class and handed our passes. I took my seat on the left of the room, while Luke walked towards the middle. As Mrs. Ellis continued on with her lesson I zoned out into my own little world.


In Love With The Nerd//L.H. AUWhere stories live. Discover now