That star in the sky

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See the stars out tonight,

They shine so bright,

Fired up with dreams, love and hope.

I'm fierce, with pain in soul,

Tears run down my face,

But I'm a survivor.

I'm a spark in the sky,

Blazing from up high,

My aspiration set me alight,

Hope burns bright.

I'm gonna win this fight,

I'm a survivor.

Dear reader

I've never met you, but I want you to know that if you look hard enough you will always find a light inside, it will be set alight with love, dreams will make it blaze, hope will make it bright. Our aspirations are what make us who we are, we decide who we want to be, where we want to go, what we want to do. And sometimes we feel all hope has ran out, but the truth is it was never gone, it was hiiden behind the evil spirits of fear. Let love set our fire alight, burn fear with dreams, make them happen with hope. You are beautiful, amazing, precious, but above all, you are loved, wherther you know it or not.

Never give up, for you were, are and always will be loved.

You are the fire in your soul.


































Never give up,

For you were, are, and always will be loved,

You are the fire in your soul.

Thank you for reading. Smile :)

Please go follow @_Jake_Russ_

It would mean a lot :)

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