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brooke was awoken at three in the morning on saturday by the front door of the house slamming shut and rosie barking.

she heard bags being dropped and keys being put on the key chain. right when she heard heels clicking against the floor she jumped out of bed to go greet her mom.

"mom!" brooke said as she saw her mom standing in the kitchen.

her mother turned around and gave brooke a hug, "your dad fed you right?"

brooke laughed but nodded and pulled away, "yeah he cooked stuff. so how was grandma?"

her mother sighed, "normal, hyper, chirpy old woman."

brooke smiled, "that's my grandma."

"yes, so this week we're going down to florida to see her, as a family."

brooke nodded, "but what about school? it's starts this week, you know that right?"

her mother nodded as she slipped off her heels and pulled off her jacket, "of course i do i'm a mother, i've been counting on the first day of school for about two months now."

brooke gasped and hit her moms arm jokingly, "that's mean!"

her mother laughed and shook her head, "so, how was your week?""

"well," brooke sighed as she followed her mom into the living room where her mother turned on the television, "i met a boy."

"you went outside?" her mother asked, perking her eyebrow in a questioning gesture.

"well, no. i met him online."

"brooke, you know pedophiles are on those websites you go onto. i want you to be safe."

"well i facetimed him and saw his face and everything and he was actually really cute, and he's from like england so he has an accent."

"well, as long as you know he is who he says he is," her mother said as she took her hair out of her bun.

"yeah, he's really nice and funny."

her mother looked at her and wiggled her eyebrows in some sort of suggesting manner, "do you like this boy?"

"his name is harry mom, and no, maybe, well," brooke sighed and shrugged.

"my poor daughter," her mother laughed and squeezed brooke's hand, "you better be getting to bed, and might want to send this harry kid a quick text." her mother winked which brooke found gross, "it's like eight in the morning where he is, he's most likely asleep."

her mother shrugged and smiled at her which brooke just shook her head and headed back up stairs.

as she laid back down she wondered if she did take a liking into harry. he was sweet and nice and very attractive. maybe she did, maybe she didn't. they've only been talking for a couple days, and plus, they were in different continents.

brooke huffed as she shut her eyes, pulling the blankets over her torso, she snuggled with rosie 'till she fell asleep.


harry was still asleep at eight o'clock on saturday morning, until of course, his sister gemma decided to wake him up.

"get up curly, you need to get use to the school schedule."

harry groaned and shook his head, covering his head with the pillow, "no."

gemma sighed and shook her head, "two more hours and you will get your arse out of bed."

gemma shut the door to his room and harry threw the pillow to the floor, he was so tired, he shouldn't of stayed up last night.

as he tried to fall back asleep, he was thinking about brooke. it must've been about three in the morning over in new york, he thought she was probably awake still, or just about falling asleep.

he was thinking about how, small she was. her collar bones were clearly visible and her arms were so tiny he could've probably wrapped his hand around them and still have plenty of space left.

he remembered how she was eating her pancakes, cutting them up slowly into small, tiny pieces and chewed the pieces she ate with a great amount of bites before she swallowed. it looked like she didn't even eat a quarter of the pancake.

but, harry couldn't tell if she had an eating disorder or not, he spoke to her over facetime, once. harry was worried though, it looked like she didn't eat much, but maybe she was just feeling sick and didn't feel like eating? but she was so, so thin, thinner than a mere child.

it honestly broke his fucking heart.

an: okay yeah brooke has an ed if you don't like any type of self harm, bye.

short update again sorry

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