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a/n: new years pt. 2😃😃😃

sorry this is so long jsdkjfhsklf


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your pov:

shit. he gives me a really confused grin, and turns, walking away. shit. he was kind of cute. could've shot my shot later, but, that sort of ruined it. ugh. now he probably thinks i'm a stalker.

alright, whatever, i'll just keep looking for mia and carmen. i go on my phone for a little bit before i see them come into my peripheral vision.

"HEY!!!!" we all scream at once. it felt so nice to see them again.

they both hug me tightly and apologize for being late.

"y/n, we are so sorry for being late pleeease forgive us," carmen pleads.

"no! it's totally fine!" i reply, even though i'm still a bit aggravated.

"ok so this place is kind of packed and it probably won't get to 'lit', if you will, until about 10:00, so for the next half hour, we can mingle a bit!" mia explains.

we head off around the foyer and into the huge living room with floor to ceiling windows that overlook l.a.

"holy shit," you audibly gasp.

"haha, never seen a house like this before i presume," says carmen.

"yeah, this is...wild."

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timothée pov:

ah, yes. another party where i don't know a single person. just the faces of different celebrities i have yet to meet. the usual interaction is just someone going up to me and saying you're timothée chalamet right?

and then they ask for a picture or something.

i know blake le croft personally. we went to a few acting workshops together and became really good friends. he invites me to his parties pretty frequently, but i'm always too hesitant to go to them.

but this time, i thought it would be nice if i just went and had some fun for new years. its bound to be fun. i mean, this is a blake le croft party we're talking about.

i'm sitting on blake's living room sofa right now and going through my phone. i wasn't even paying attention to what was on the screen.

i decide to myself that i'll go up to the mini bar and get a shirley temple or something. maybe i'll find someone to make friends with there.

as i walk up to the bar, i see the girl that was staring at me in the foyer. i was a little confused when that happened, but i kinda shook it off. she was probably just looking for someone.

she was standing next to the bar talking to two other girls. the two girls go up to the bartender, leaving the mystery girl alone for a second.

she's kind of really pretty, i think to myself. maybe i'll talk to her? yeah, i'll talk to her.

i strut with confidence to go talk to the 'mystery girl'. just then blake walks up to me.

"hey man! glad you came! almost never see you here!" blake says, dapping me up.

𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬🧃Where stories live. Discover now