The Evil But Handsome Man:

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To my parents, brother and sister,

This book is dedicated to all of you. I love and appreciate your support and all the ideas and help you gave me in allowing this to happen, most importantly thanks for believing in me, believing that I could do this and that I would be able to write a book like this I sincerely hope that you all enjoy reading it because I loved writing it, every night that I wrote these words in these chapters for you to read so I appreciate all the support and will continue writing so happy reading everyone.

The reason I am choosing to write horror and ghost stories is that I can relate to this genre and have a lot of experiences regarding it in my life, I have seen and witnessed paranormal activity my whole life and have decided to share my experiences with you all based on what I have experienced myself so I decided to write this book which is also made of scenarios that I imagined just as much as real-life encounters as well so I hope you enjoy reading it.


It was a regular night just like any other night, I stood next to the window staring outside at the beautiful crescent moon shining against the dark clouded sky, it looked peaceful and quiet outside. Not a creature stirred in the huge garden thick with trees and bushes bearing all sorts of fruits and vegetables that could be harvested in this season, Summer was ending and soon Autumn would be amongst us bringing us Halloween, the very holiday that I dreaded ever since that incident that had happened to me.
It had felt so real.

It was on Halloween night the eve of October 31st, the moon was a rusted Orange colour, it was the Autumn harvest moon that had come every year around Halloween time, and people would be outside trick or treating, throwing parties and eating candies until they felt sick the next day, some foolish people would even summon to the spirits not realising how dangerous it was and how it could ruin their lives forever.
I stayed at home. I wasn't interested in Halloween anymore, it wasn't fun as an adult it was just Satanic now that I knew the truth about it.
I grabbed my book from the coffee table and curled up on the leather armchair in my sitting room next to the blazing fire that soothed the coldness of the Autumn chill away from the cold outdoor World. I could only imagine the evils and horrors that would be taking place on this night and found it strange how people enjoyed participating in it.
I pulled my mug of hot chocolate towards my lips and took slow sips whilst reading my book, after a while, I started to feel sleepy so I said goodnight to my parents, headed upstairs and changed into my night clothes, I said a prayer and switched my night light on.
I climbed into bed, turned off my lamp and closed my eyes ready to go to sleep it took me a while to fall asleep because I have insomnia so my brain is active during night-time but I managed to fall asleep after a while, I woke up because I needed to go to the bathroom when I saw a shadow standing near my bed. It looked like a man, he was about six feet tall, with a muscular body wearing a jumpsuit that was similar to Michael Myers in Halloween holding a knife, I couldn't see his face because it was too dark but I could tell that it was a man, he was standing near my bed staring at me with a dark and mysterious gaze.
At first, I thought a stranger had broken into the house, I was distressed as I felt unsafe having my territory invaded like this. I wanted to scream and tell my parents when suddenly the man started walking towards me slowly and menacingly, at this point I had no idea what he would do to me, I could only fear the worst.
I wanted to talk to him but for some reason, I knew that he wasn't a human being, I mean he looked like a human but there was some other unworldly supernatural vibe that he was giving me, I thought about running but I didn't know if I would be able to make the distance in time to escape and also he was holding a knife so it was me against my assailant with a weapon, I don't think fighting with someone with a knife would work out for me.
Anyway, I still decided to run, I ran down the stairs into the kitchen to grab one of the kitchen knives that my mother kept in the top drawer so I would have a weapon to fight him with, I heard the sound of his footsteps coming down the stairs in heavy timberland boots; he was very fast and strong.
He burst into the kitchen and I screamed and tried to run past him but he grabbed me and carried me to my bedroom in his strong arms, he closed the door and laid me on the bed, got on top of me and started to strangle me. I looked into his eyes and I was thinking 'is this how I'm going to die? This psychopath is going to strangle me to death?'
He continued to strangle me and I tried to scream but the grip was very strong, I felt I was going practically Blue in the face, I tried to pray to God and plead with Him to save me from this evil force of a male spirit to be reckoned with. I knew I wasn't a very religious person but surely God would not let a serial killer murder me? I heard God was supposed to be super forgiving, after a while of fighting and me slapping the man's chest trying to pry his hands off my throat he finally gave up and left but before they got off me he gave me the creepiest, intense, psycho look ever, it made me want to scream.
The next day at breakfast while I was eating toast with my parents I decided to tell them all about what happened. "I didn't sleep at all last night," I admitted. "Why not, what happened?" My mother asked me so I replied"well there was this serial killer in my bedroom who looked a bit like Michael Myers, he chased me down the stairs into the kitchen and tried to kill me!" My father took a sip from his mug of tea and lightly chuckled. "Oh you have a big imagination," he said.
"No, I'm serious he was here," I said trying to remain calm.
But in my mind, I knew that nobody would ever believe in something like that, because it just didn't seem realistic enough but to me it was and that is the reason why I grew up to hate Halloween forever because my life had completely changed after that night, forever and always.

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