Silent Stalkers:

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It was a busy Friday night in the city as busy as Friday nights usually could be. I was with my family and we were eating dinner at a popular family restaurant called Hardy's.
It had thick Red coated walls and gave off an old 1950s diner impression with cheap leather sofas and booths to sit at, the tables were clean and shiny and on the wall hung posters of different pop stars and famous singers from various eras of the past.
I looked at an Elvis Presley photo which was in Black & White and thought to myself how my father probably knew all of these famous people since he had grown up in the 1950s himself and was interested in rock and roll music, he could play a mean song on the guitar and I laughed as I imagined him "rocking out" to his favourite music.
Hardy's was crowded with sounds of laughter and chatting as everyone was enjoying their authentic grilled meals when I suddenly noticed that there was a group of people; a family and a man standing closer near us staring at us, they looked like humans but they weren't and I immediately recognized them.
I knew what they were, what they really were and I wasn't going to show them that I was scared of them because I knew that they liked it when their victims were scared of them so I told my family, not to panic I said "you know those people over there? They're not human, I mean they look human but they are in a disguise from their natural form!"
My family looked at me like I was crazy. "I think we should talk to them and ask them what they want," my Dad said voluntarily, he was about to get up but I grabbed his arm "no, don't their not human, their evil, their so evil you can't even understand how much and the powers that they possess," I explained.
"How can they be evil? They look like normal people even though it's kind of creepy the way they are looking at us," my sister Christy said.
"Because they are, you just have to believe me, they are evil, powerful, dangerous and insane, like the shit they do to people is humanly wrong," I said.
"They are the accomplices of an evil magician who has put a curse on us and they do whatever is told and every Halloween they have this disgusting ritual where they like to sacrifice people to Satan who is their father."
"What? This is going too far now, everybody eat your dinner and just ignore them, they are probably just mental, the government and police need to do more to sort people like them out," my mother said.
"This isn't a job that ordinary people can handle their not even humans first of all," I objected.
"Enough!" my mother said slightly raising her voice. "I don't want to know more about them at all, we came here to this nice restaurant to eat not to worry about the people and whether their humans or not."
"I can't eat if they are staring at us, it makes me feel uncomfortable," Christy said.
I picked up my spoon to eat then my brain started to hurt. I felt somebody whisper in my ear "I'll kill you!"
"What?" I screamed and turned to look at them in pure shock.
"What are you yelling about?" My mother asked me.
"I heard someone whispering in my ear in a deep male voice, they told me that they were going to kill me, I feel so scared and threatened right now." I wrapped my hands around my body I was shivering in my Black cotton lacy cardigan.
"Don't worry about it, everything will be all right," my Mum said and we continued to eat our food.
I twirled my spaghetti around on my fork feeling nervous and uncomfortable. I hated being stared at especially when I wasn't doing anything at all, I wanted to escape but knew better than that so I lowered my head and forced myself to finish my food.

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