The Other World:

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I opened my eyes and saw that I was locked inside what appeared to be a prison cell. I was sitting on the cold concrete floor and my hands and legs were tied tightly with rope and I was naked. I knew I had been kidnapped but I didn't know who my kidnapper was but I would find out soon enough; I sat and looked around at the bars that trapped me.
'Where am I? How did I get here?' A million questions raced through my mind and I wanted to know why I was here and what was going to happen to me. Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching me and I looked up and saw a tall man whose face seemed to be blurred, standing next to me holding a sharp drill in his hand. He flipped me over onto my left side and started drilling a hole into the left side of my body, it was so painful that I started screaming, blood was spraying everywhere, I looked to the left and saw that there was a hole in my body and blood was pouring out. The man put his hands inside the hole and started pulling my kidneys and meat out, he continued to pull and I continued to scream by now I was hysterically crying and begging him to stop, it was so painful I wanted to die.
He continued pulling for what seemed like forever and I tried to break my hands free from the handcuffs, then finally when he was satisfied with what he did he stopped and left me.
When I woke up the next day the left side of my body was itchy I told my parents but they did not believe it.
"Dreams can seem realistic but you have to remember that they aren't, it's just your mind making it up," my Dad told me putting his newspaper down on the coffee table.
"It was real because after I woke up I felt the pain," I argued back.
"Maybe it was something else?" My mother suggested.
"It wasn't, but it's up to you if you choose not to believe your daughter because I know my truth," I countered back.
I removed myself from the kitchen and ran into my bedroom, feeling frustrated I slammed the door shut, buried my face into the pillow and cried angry tears.
I was tired of being misunderstood and having my words not taken seriously. I know lots of people didn't have such strange nightmares but I was someone who did, ever since I was young I had always had really strange and wild dreams which I felt were so real to me and I truly believed in my heart that they were real.
As soon as I hit the pillow and closed my eyes, I entered another World. I called it the Other World.
The Other World was strange and different from the real World because monsters lived there instead of humans, sometimes they came as people and pretended to be humans but you just knew that they weren't, their faces were always blurred, and they had their own lives that they lived but they loved interfering with ours, mine especially and once you entered their World they would treat you however they wanted to.
I turned to look at myself in the mirror, tears running down my face.
'I wonder what the Other World is like?' I thought to myself staring at my reflection. Years of bullying had turned me into a miserable and insecure woman and I hated it, maybe in the Other World life was better and I would get bullied less because monsters themselves were crazy and wanted to fit in with us.
I got up from my bed and walked to the mirror and tapped it. "Other World," I whispered to myself and then I fell.
I fell into the mirror and I entered the Other World.
I wasn't a human anymore.

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