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"How the hell?" I muttered. I held a dark green book, the title was a bright gold. I was supposed to organize Jane's books alphabetically and by subject, which would have been easy. The only problem was that the green book I was holding was written in some kind of foreign language.

"Oh, you don't know Latin?" She smirked. "Well that's a shame. I would hate to see what would happen to you if you were unable to complete this simple task." She threatened.

"How am I supposed to do this, if I can't understand the writing!" A burning pain appeared in my chest. I winced, but didn't make a noise.

"You better learn it quickly then." I looked at her in disbelief, she smirked back at me. The pain retreated, and I took in a deep breath. I was silent for a long time, thinking about what I should do.


"Yes servant?" She looked slightly annoyed.

"Would you teach me?" I mumbled.

"You want me to teach you?" She scoffed.

"Yes." My voice sounded hoarse.

"You want me to teach you Latin?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Yes m-mistress." I prepared for the burning to come back, but it never came. I looked up at her carefully.

"Very well." My mouth hung open at her words. I had never expected her to actually say yes.

She began teaching me the alphabet, and how to pronounce common words. She was an extremely talented teacher. I had never been interested in other languages before, but she kept my attention for hours. I liked the way the unfamiliar words rolled off her tongue. I tried to pronounce the words with similar grace, but I stumbled over and pronounced my words wrong.

"O-odi... et amo. Quar - quare id f-faciam, fortasse requiris? nes-nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior." I read clumsily. Jane stared at me wide eyed.

"What did I say?" I questioned. She ignored my question and looked down at the floor.

"Uh... we should take a break."

"I don't want to take a break. What did I say?" I was curious of what had gotten her so flustered.

"It was just, um... some poetry."

"What does it say?" I repeated.

"It doesn't matter." She snapped. She sent me a surge of pain. I let out a gasp.

"We are taking a break." She said sternly. She moved briskly to the seat behind her desk.

I leaned on a wall and waited for Jane to give me her instructions. She just stared at the floor, she put her hands on her knees stiffly. We didn't move for a few minutes. I had never seen Jane like this. It was weird. She was normally so frightening, but right now she almost seemed... afraid. Of what? I couldn't think of one thing scarier than that woman. She shook her head lightly and raised her eyes to meet mine.

"I don't know much about you Kian, could you enlighten me a little?" Jane asked casually. I felt my jaw drop.

"What do you want to know?" I asked stupidly.

"How did you end up here of all places?" She asked. Her tone sounded like she was genuinely interested.

"I was on a trip with my parents, for Saint Marcus' Day. I saw one of you, in your black cloak. I got curious and I followed." I explained.

"I believe that was me." She sighed.

"Oh." I didn't know how to respond. The room became quiet.

"Do you think they miss you terribly?" She questioned. She looked down at her feet again.

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIWhere stories live. Discover now