New Start

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  I looked out into the pouring rain. We had been in this cave for who knows how long. Jane was sitting on my lap silently. She hadn't done much talking since the fight. I hated how badly she was hurt. She grew up with her brother. He and the Volturi was all she had for decades. Her whole world was just destroyed. I hated the Cullens for killing them all, and I hated Aro for putting us in this situation, and I hated that I couldn't make things better.

   I brushed through Jane's damp hair with my fingers. She had her eyes closed like she was asleep, even though that was impossible. I grabbed her hand in mine and looked down at the gold ring on her finger. So much for our wedding. I just lost my best man, and I'm sure Jane wouldn't be in the mood for a long time, if ever.

    I wondered how long we would stay here. We had already been here at least a week, and Jane still showed no interest in moving. We would eventually have to move, our thirst wouldn't allow us to stay here forever. We would have to go find civilization eventually if we wanted to stay sane.

"Jane? How are you feeling?" I whispered to her, and pulled her up so she was sitting straighter on my lap. She looked at me with a blank expression.

"I'm... I-I don't know." She whispered emotionlessly. I brushed a hand over her cheekbone, and gave her a light kiss on her other cheek.

"How's your thirst?" I questioned. I wanted to talk to her badly. I missed her voice.

"Tolerable." She sighed. She swallowed hard subconsciously. Personally I wanted to feed, but if Jane didn't want to move than I wouldn't either.

"Are you sure you don't want to go for a quick hunt?" I asked. She shook her head.

"We could just get up and go for a walk, we've been sitting here for a long time." I suggested. Jane shook her head again. I sighed and continued to watch the rainfall.


   Five days passed in that cold damp cave, and not a whole lot had changed. Jane still refused to leave, and the only thing we ever did was move positions in the cave. I was so bored, and I so badly wanted to leave. I couldn't stand being in this place anymore. I had to get out of here.

   Without a real logical thought, I stood up with Jane in my arms and began to walk away from the cave. Jane looked up at me with confusion plain on her face. I smiled at her slightly, trying to reassure her that everything was fine. I was fully expecting her to object, but she said nothing.

    We walked for a long time through the forest. Jane didn't move, so I had to check on her every now and again to see if she was still living?... undead?... whatever we were. I should have paid more attention to my vampire lectures back in Volterra.

   After the long walk through the woods we came across a small town which eventually grew into a decent sized city. I didn't know what the city was called because the name was in a different language. The only thing that mattered was that there was an airport nearby.

   Me and Jane stuck out like sore thumbs. Our muddy cloaks and filthy faces made quiet the spectacle. I had set down Jane a while ago, so we could avoid standing out even more. Two filthy teenagers in black cloaks, one carrying the other bridal style, would definitely draw unneeded attention.

"Jane I think we should get something to drink before we leave to the airport." I suggested. Jane looked at me with her blank expression and nodded. Thank god I was so thirsty.

    We both walked down a dark alleyway, and waited for our next meal to come to us. Eventually, a group if young men swaggered toward us threatening us in a foriegn tongue. They weren't able to say much before me and Jane had drained them of their blood. We stole all the money they had in them. Hopefully it would be enough for two tickets out of here.
"Do you think this is enough?" I questioned Jane. She nodded at me.

"It's more than enough." She said blankly. I hated how emotionless she had become. She wasn't the same Jane I had fallen in love with. It was like she was just the shell of her former self. I wanted my Jane back. Jane pulled me into a small clothing store. She started picking out a modern day outfit for herself. I browsed the shelf and picked out an outfit for myself.

   Jane had chosen a short navy blue dress and a white jacket. She had black leggings on under the dress. I knew she was making an attempt to show as little skin as possible to provide better protection from the sunlight. I just picked myself out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a black hoodie. I tried to hide my skin like Jane. We walked out of the store leaving behind our old cloaks. I was surprised that Jane didn't keep hers. I guess it carried too many painful memories.

    We walked into the airport hand in hand, and Jane ordered us a ticket. I was super impressed that she could communicate with these foriegn people. I didn't even know what the language was called, but Jane was fluent in it.

   We boarded our plane and found our seats quickly. Jane rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I brushed the hair out of her face, and hummed quietly enough that no human would hear me. I watched out the window, I was mesmerized by the thick blanket of clouds. I had only been on a plane one other time; when I had first arrived in Italy. It felt like a lifetime ago, but it really wasn't that long ago. My life had completely changed in the timespan of one year. It was the most eventful, horrible, terrifying, and amazing year of my life. Every second was worth it. It was worth it, if I could stay with Jane forever.

"So Jane darling, where are we going?" I whispered in her ear. She gave me the faintest Jane smile I had ever seen, but didn't open her eyes.

"Columbia." She answered lowly. I nodded and kissed her forehead. Her eyes flickered open and stared at me. I couldn't help the smile that came over my face. Her tiny grin grew slightly.

"Let's start a new life love. We'll start again somewhere new." I whispered. Jane nodded her head once, before answering;

"That sounds incredible."

Love is Pain II Jane X OC IIWhere stories live. Discover now