Hey guys this is not a rap but I want to vent my anger out and I would rather so it here.
You want to know what I hate when people point out others imperfections just to taunt or spite them.
They bully people because they feel its right or it gives them joy or a sense of satisfaction or what.
That is just dumb asf
Like seriously why will you go out and bully someone just so you can feel better about yourself, you know sometimes if you have nothing good to say about a person its better to just shut up because you know what? Your words can make someone feel like dying and I don't think anyone would be happy knowing someone died because of what they said to another , the fact is that we should respect each others feelings and opinions if someone does something that affects them and not you and the thing they did brings then happiness or joy I think its better you be happy with them rather than get jealous, even though they might have hurt you in the past for the love of all that is Holy let it freaking go because holding on to the past will never change it nor will it change the futureThink before you act it benefits everyone because believe me no one likes it when they are being criticized.
Thanks for listening to me vent my anger out , it really helps a lot I feel so much better now
Xoxo TemiJola