flip em

8 2 0

I hate people and they just never seize to remind me of why I hate people.

As the rage flows through me

And the anger in just bubbling

You must think its funny

Well nothing here is sunny

Everything I see right now is black no white

Maybe I'm just looking for a bloody fight

But I'm so tired of being the one with sad eyes

I hope it reaches the point where there are no tears left to cry

Turn off my emotions like a vampire

Be the cold hearted and feared monster

Look me in the eye if any emotion is clear

I assure you all I feel is black emptiness

Nothing can stop the void that is there

Now there is no more pain to bear,

So hit me or greet me or fill me with shit

I'm done being the nice one that cries when beaten

I'll be the hard core bad ass that never smiles

Maybe then you'll know how much darkness lies

Every single word they say I feel like rolling my eyes

Looking for the time when all my emotion dies

Ain't this depressing

Ain't this upsetting

Well too bad I'm going back to the darkness

If everyone hates me that's OK yes

I'll just flip em off I don't got time for stress

I'll wear the crown of emptiness

So don't bother with fake friendliness

Tired of getting all the blame now I don't care

Cos when the pain comes who wants to share

This is my burden to bear

But no more it ends right here

They say you correct the ones you love cos you love em

Well I'm done correcting em let em suffer

See the consequences of their stupidity

Karma is a bitch thats the truth ain't it?

All this is gonna end in a laughter fit

It just depends on who is gonna be laughing

I don't really care but I hope its me

Well bye

Have a nice life.

Itz Anjola

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